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Share your quitting journey

Day 45 and still going

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I haven't wrote on here much, just not my particular style, but thought I'd better record an update, as much for myself as others. I do come here and just read whatever catches my eye to help thru harder times - so thanks for all the great posts, they do help!

Realized today I was surprised to find myself on day 45. This was about the time my last attempt fell apart. I have to say I feel better this time, which is greatly encouraging. Not to say I don't have hard times or days, because I certainly do, but I don't feel so utterly lost and sad like the last time. Some days are still hard - like OMG when does this get better?! And other days go by fairly easily. 

I still struggle with some areas: 1) when I just absolutely need a 5 minute break from work, used to go smoke. Sometimes still want to, BUT I don't do that anymore! So I've had to learn it's Ok to take a 5 minute break, it doesn't have to be a smoke break. 2) Boredom or habit triggers still pop up often enough. Those times I used to smoke not because I really wanted one, I just didn't know what else to do or I could have one so I did. 

So I thought I'd take a look at my why I want to quit list and see where I was. So here's the good:

1. The stains on my fingernails are almost all gone

2. The stink! Ew, gross - did I use to smell like that?!

3. Saw some family and friends without the thought/resentment of not being able to smoke while with them.

4. My plans don't revolve around how I can fit a cigarette into that activity (before? After? During? All 3?!). What a relief to be rid of that thought process!

5. No more smokers cough. I have to remind myself to drink enough water now, as I'm not constantly sipping on it to soothe my scratchy throat.

6. I made it through a stressful period at work without a smoke (used to be one of my big reasons why I smoked and "just couldn't quit"). 

I know I still have a journey ahead of me, but feeling better about it every day. I don't remember where I read the "Well I don't do that anymore, so what else can/should/ want to do"; might have been on here - but it has helped so much. Just puts it in a different frame of mind for me and helps me through. Sorry this got kinda lengthy, but felt good to get it out. Happy Friday and hope you have a great weekend! 

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