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Day 4, will one cigarette destroy all my efforts???

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Hey X'RS,

Im going on day 4 now, i really want a drag especially bc times are tough in my life right now. I used to own a business but lost that, my condo got foreclosed on and i have been unemployed for 2 months now....i literally have $18 to my name and the stress is killing me. I have a pack of smokes left over from when I quit and even though I have been strong for 4 days, that pack is calling my name!! I know I am strong enough to quit but i want to test my will power, i want to smoke ONE cigarette for a couple reasons: 1)lose this craving 2) see if the taste or smell makes me sick 3) see if i can have just one and thats it! Now If i was reading this message I would tell myself not to smoke one bc it will bring me back but is it possible for me to have this one cig/drag and move on??? dont know what to do......

Soak those smokes. I know you don't want to start over again! You are doing such a good job! It has been said that nicotine leaves the system after 72 hours. That means you are completely nicotine free now. It's not the physical craving, it's the mental one. And you know there is nothing in that cigarette that would solve any of the difficulties you are dealing with right now. Go soak those cigs and pat yourself on the back for perservering.

On another note, I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time right now. It is so hard out there economically. I wish you all the best from one South Floridian to another!
Don't do it Leo! It's not worth it. Day 4 dude! You are on your way. 3 more days and Hell Week is behind you. 10 more days and you have an even better chance of beating this addiction. You look pretty young from your pic. Sugar, You have alot of life ahead, don't cut it short with the sticks of death. You CAN DO THIS!. You have to believe it 2 achieve it!. I smoked 30 years! It's day 33 bein free from those nasty suckers. You can do it. Stay strong my friend.
your friend,
That thought of having just one is the addiction trying to keep a hold on you.You don't really want to do that test because you don't want to be a smoker anymore. I took that test once upon a time after a 20 day quit and here we are 10 years later and I'm on day one today.
ANYTHING is possible. The real issue is should you take that risk right now? Your reasons for wanting to risk all -don't make sense. If you begin smoking in earnest (likely) then it will COST you money you don't even HAVE right now. YOU ONLY HAVE 18 DOLLARS. CRIPES!
Smoking again -won't get you a job...or get your condo back...or your business back....
Why again should you risk going back to full time smoking? I forgot.... oh, seem to have forgotten what cigarettes taste like and feel the need to experiment.....hmmmm. Really? You really don't KNOW what smoking a cigarette would be like? Really? I have played this mind game with myself MANY times!!! I know it WELL. Throw the pack away where you can't retrieve it and move on to get your life together. Your life needs your full attention right now. Quit wasting your energy on this. Ditch the pack and move on. That is my advice....from someone who has been where you are!
throw em out, def not worth it, we are all addicted to cigs, if you have one, you will smoke again back to your normal amount, just try not to do it, and sorry for your troubles!

i have done that a few times and hooked myself back into it. but this time was different, i decided to do just that and i did. then i said no i am not gonna put all that hard work to waste again so i got right back on track right away!! yes the nicotine will call ur name within an hour after u smoke that cig even if it taste nasty and makes u sick youwill still crave more within an hour!! i smoked 3 one day withing a 6 our period cause it wouldn't stop calling me!! the next day i woke up i wanted one, but i said no way i will not get caught up again because quitting was so hard after 23 times i refuse to try to quit again. so if you take a cig just remember if you don't put it down after u smoke it!! you will get in trouble!! after 2 days of smoking, i would say your hooked again and will have to go through quitting all over again and the hell again!!
yes i have done it! everytime i did that i got hooked again!! this time i told myself no!!! if i slip i am not getting back into it!! but i had a lot of practice with this!! 23 quitting attempts i finally learned something!! i did smoke 2 cigs a week ago because i was crying over something and no one was gonna tell me know i needed it. i did it. yest it's nasty and made me sick, but it kept calling my name every hour after that!! i thought about it over and over and said no i can't go back, so i got right back on track!! if yo take that puff, be prepared to let that be the only one or you will be right back at square 1 especially so early in your quit!! i actually said the other day, Gee i wish i could just smoke a couple a week!! but i can't, however if i slip again i am not going through the quitting hell again i will get back on track that day or the next day!!