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Share your quitting journey

Day 3!

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Well, I almost let some on this site turn me away, I was ready to leave.  At some point, this site and some people on it had ruined my quit with a rude, arrogant, can do no wrong attitude.  And I let that crap get under my skin.  Not to mention others around be having a VERY hard go of things and a fairly negative attitude, and let's just say, it's gone from happy, exciting and positive, to WTF is the point in all of this crap?  I want no part of this negativity, I want no part of this conflict, I want no part is any of this anymore!

I walk outside to the smoking area, not to get a smoke, to find some positivity.  I figured the only two smokers left in my work place would be there.  Sure enough, there they were, I walk up and am greeted with "Hey man, coming out to watch the smokers kill themselves for a bit?".  Jokingly of course and with a big smile.  I replied "Yep!", I get some words of encouragement, some cheers and a couple pats on the shoulder.  It made me feel a little positive again.  So then I break away from them to take me a little walk down the green way to clear my head a little.  I think on it, I think on it, I try me best to regain that positive mind set I had yesterday before "THEY" showed up with their arrogant can do no wrong attitudes.
I continued on searching for that hope again.  But it never showed up, just an eery feeling that it's a miracle that I still don't want a cigarette.  So I returned to my desk.

I open my mailbox and what do I get, hope, hope from the MEMBERS of this site, hope from many on this site that see what I was trying to accomplish and assured me that I was trying to do the right thing, and that I should NOT have been torn down like I was.  They offered words of encouragement, they offered words of hope, and some of them offered prayers that I can regain the state of mind I was at yesterday.  Well, all except one who went from accusing me of being a potential sell bot to telling me I am the one being unresonable, to telling me I should apologize.  LMAO @ you sir!  Not a chance.  I started off with the intentions of doing something good, and rather than help, I got met with a bunch of uppity up know it all wannabe's trying to tear everything down, NOT ONE of them offering anything useful.  I need to apolgize?  Hah!

Special thanks to the many of you who are offering support, encouragement, and telling me I was right in what I was trying to do and should not be letting anyone tear that down.  Thank you, walking back in from my walk and seeing my e-mail stacked with notifications of people messaging me, and throwing their support behind me has done a great deal to help restore that hope that had been torn from me up until that point.

Word of advice, if you can't offer support, encouragement, and a pat on the back rather than argumentative and arrogant rhetoric that isn't even backed up by fact or evidence, you should probably keep your mouth shut.

Thanks to those who have worked to restore at least a little of my faith.  You know who you are.  Thank you, and keep on keeping on.  We can do this.

*Note:  There are a few of you who will not offer anything positive to this post, move along, you are not welcomed here, take your holier than thou jerk attitude elsewhere, I don't need your crap.  If you can offer something positive here, then go for it, I can forgive and forget anything, and everyone deserves a second chance.



I can't tell you how happy reading this blog makes me, I am so glad that you decided to stay and I know you are going to be a great asset to this community. By the by, day 3 is hell on wheels, it's no surprise you feel the way you do:)


Here (or anywhere in your life) as long as you understand that no frustration, no person, no thing should be able to come between you and your quit, you will be able to find that mindset again. Take some of Jess' stubborness and use it here. 🙂


I too have been thru, what you are going thru, i felt the same as you when i joined this site, some of those who replied to me in the same way, THEY CALL IT TOUGH LOVE. No one is here to hurt anyone, which i too thought. but do you know there are good in all of us. I've been with this site for alittle over 3 months, there will be times i have bad days, wanted that smoke, but that does not  solve any problems. Terry Martin's quitting smoking cessation is a great site to go to. Try to remember, we dont know  each other from Adam, We are a family working to help one another STAYING QUIT. I sill get remarks, which i think is crude, once again it's called  TOUGH LOVE. We all need it at times, in order to stay quit


A quit smoking site has to be one of the most difficult blog sites that anyone could manage.  This is what happens when several with high running emotional individuals come together to work on getting rid of those nicodemons cravings for life.  

We all need to remember that we all have one common goal, but for each individual, reaching that goal takes different pushes, guidance, support, and encouragement.  I'm more of a warm and fuzzy type.  Others need tough love.  We all need to be sensitive to each others needs.  Some readers (listeners) are much better at determining how to jump in and offer support.

The Experts on this site are only human like all this rest of us.  My experience with the experts has been that their hearts and time are in the right place.  Please do not close them off.  They need time to learn best on how to help you as you also learn what is the best way to accept support that will work for you.

Like I mentioned I'm warm and fuzzy and have learned to love every member I've encountered on this site.  They help me to continue to chose life over death.  Best wishes that you continue your great quit.  It is wonderful on the other side when the nicodemons lighten up.


I didn't read the posts you're talking about, but I know, when I started here, I really appreciated the the tough, straight-forward language I got from the elders on here.  I agree that we all need that tough love sometimes.  It's for our own good.  Glad you are staying with us.  I don't think I could have made it without reading the blogs and responses from the people on this sight.  I went cold turkey and I'm now at 33 days smoke free.  I was never able to get past 8 days when I tried on my own.


"The trouble with tough love is twofold. First, the underlying philosophy -- that pain produces growth -- lends itself to abuse of power."


Good for you! I am glad you didn't let nonsense derail you from YOUR journey of health! I am very involved in 12 step communities where I live and let me tell you, some of the stuff I hear and see going on there, makes some people wonder how I stay sober through all the nonsense other people fling around. My answer is simple: The journey for me is not about THEM!!!! I don't care what they think, say or do......because in the end, it's between myself and my HIGHER power, it was never about them. I choose to stay sober, so I stick around, take what I need and disregard the rest. Sounds like what you chose to do, so that's awesome! Carry on Rat!!!! And CONGRATS on Day 3!!!!! You are doing it!

I just read thru all 48 comments to your ecig post. I didn't see anything disrespectful from the long term quitters. I saw a lot of you argueing and justifying what you wrote. Why would anybodys opinion affect you so deeply. If someone doesn't agree with your opinion.....who cares...move on and quit your bitchen!

You and the EXperts are the only ones there ninepatch.  So with that said, I believe in my original post I stated this.

*Note: There are a few of you who will not offer anything positive to this post, move along, you are not welcomed here, take your holier than thou jerk attitude elsewhere, I don't need your crap. If you can offer something positive here, then go for it, I can forgive and forget anything, and everyone deserves a second chance

I mean or you can ignore my wishes and start some more conflict.  Up to you, I don't care.



"If someone doesn't agree with your opinion.....who cares...move on and quit your bitchen!"

I do believe the same could be said of some of the elders. .Seriously folks, it goes both ways: you cannot expect to receive respect without giving it in return. This whole "we are the only ones who are correct because we quit before you" vibe is getting tiresome.

I am curious - which of the experts have been certified as addiction counselors? We got any scientists here that work in the smoking cessation field? So, unless they meet those criteria they are also offering an OPINION as to what works and need to accept that. 

Take what you need a leave the rest. Is all I meant. Don't let other peoples opinions affect you so deeply. Quitting smoking is such an important and worthy thing for anyone to do for themselves. I wish you the strength and the positive mindset it takes to get thru this process. Don't let the little disagreements bring you down. Let go of this resentment. All I'm going to say. NOPE!

Don't sweat it and let him get you riled up Alyson. I'm making a conscious decision to start ignoring these yahoos. Ignore him, and he'll have to spin around, whipe the brown off his nose, and realize he didn't get under my skin like his intention obviously was. If he didn't see the senior members obviously being inflamatory, he refused to pay attention, or he's brown nosing, I'm not sure which.

Thus far, this site hasn't exactly been all that great. But I'm giving it a shot simply because of so many good members here. The Elitists I can do without, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm not saying I couldn't have handled things better, I certainly could have. But yeesh, I most CERTAINLY would have expected better from the "leadership" on this board, A STOP smoking board, where people are expected to be volatile and a bit easy to get rustled. Then one EXpert going so far to say "You aren't important". Wow, just wow.  To say I am dissapointed is an understatement.
Hey look above this post, another one of those wonderful EXperts being inflamatory!


 I apologize for the delay here Ninepatch, I meant to get back here sooner and reply and say that I apparently misunderstood something about your post, I mean seriously, MANY people here have agreed that I was attacked by a few of the "leaders" here on this site, in fact you are the ONLY regular member that has backed them.  If any of these others have, they have kept their mouths shut.  Then they team up, ignore the regular members who are trying to point out that they are doing the wrong thing, and start attacking me in a group.  WTF am I supposed to think about this site, and WTF am I supposed to do?  Oh hell no, this site is supposed to accomplish good thing, so I'm attacking back, and letting you know when your attitude or demeanor is one of negativity!

The post above, I can respect that, and thank you for the well wishes, and apologize if we have had a misunderstanding somewhere along the lines.
As to the EXpert that deleted their post, I PMed you with what I think of you, and asked that you leave me alone, stay away from me, don't post in my blogs, don't even look at my profile, you were just mature enough to post on my wall with "Oh no, I'm not going anywhere.".  I'm telling you now, you are not welcomed in my quit, respect that, because you might be surprised at the power of a pissed and annoyed group of REGULAR members can hold over a jackass "leader".  Many here have seen how some of you have acted toward me and are not happy about it, several actually to the point of reporting some of you. 

I am asking now one more time, respect my quit, and approach it with patience and decency, or stay out of it.


I told this person what I thought of them in PM, the proceeded to say "You are not welcome in my quit anymore.

What do I get from a member of this boards leadership?
breakinthechains:  Oh no, I'm not going anywhere, lol.

I replied with this.

wirerat123:  I PMed you a message asking you to stay out of my blogs, and stay away from me all together, you are NOT welcomed in my quit. I'm asking you again, Stay out of my quit, go be inflamatory to someone else, I've had enough of you EXperts. You should respect that.

What reply do I get?

breakinthechains:  nope, you have to give respect to get it, asshole

Tell me @ Admin, is this really what this place is about?  maybe some of hte other EXperts can help me out here, is this what this place is?  I continue to repetedly be stunned by the level of immaturity and jackass the leadership around here have been capable of displaying.  To those of you that this shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it.  but don't friggen try to convince me this is good leadership skills and the way this shit should be being handled.


Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm asking all of you to please be respectful of one another. 

When I asked you to remove the link to a specific product, you did, respectfully and quickly. 

The language in blogs and in PMs should be courteous. Everyone gets mad and frustrated, but this is a forum for people trying to quit smoking, and those that have quit and have advice, thoughts, suggestions, wisdom and encouragement to share. Let's try to remember that. 


Hey breakinthechains, I've asked you once, and I'll ask you again, stay out of my blogs, and stay away from me, you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone.  If you can't respect that then don't get mad and accuse ME of being the asshole when I tell you what an asshole you are being.  Go find someone else to bug you immature POS.


I stepped away for awhile today, only to come back and see this, what is the purpose of taunting someone in this way? What is the purpose of starting all this junk, then people leave, people get hurt, what is the purpose? It's not supportive or helpful or inspiring and it makes me sick. Like Mik n atlanta said, I am out of here for awhile. I'm sorry wirerat that this had to be your "warm" welcome here. 


Also ninepatch, I also read that thread, and for a person who is new and doesn't "know" some of the people on here, it did come across as infammatory, and to not acknowledge that fact to ATLEAST say hey, sorry I came across the wrong way or made you feel unwelcome, sucks!


Hwy Jim, I figure asking him to please stay away from me and MY blogs was being pretty reasonable.  I mean most of the asshats have been FAR from reasonable or fair to be, it's been petty attack after petty attack.  I mean seriously, we've had 4 or 5 people telling these "EXperts" how they were being and they continue to attack.  If that's what this site is all about fine.  If you or none of the rest of these asshole "eldeers" on this site can have enough decency to stay the fuck away from me and my blogs if all you are going to do is be an asshat.

Each and every one of you can lick the brown stain out of my underwear after a hard days work.  Fuck this site, and fuck each and every one of you assholes that think you are something special because you have "EXpert" under your name and think that makes you immune to accountability.  I'd expect more considering the average age of you people.

With that said, fuck this site, you fucks can shove it up your petty little asses if you can get your heads out of theere long enough to make room.


Hi wirerat!!!  Here in this site I have been in and out, I use to be stuck to this place years ago, had alot of close good friends, I disagreed with alot and agree with some, but what I have learned is use this site to your advantage however possible.  Many will be know it alls, where others will be understanding, we need to know that we are here for our own self's, so try to make it work for you as best as possible, try to ignore whomever gets you down...lotsa luck to you and dont let no-one fu%k up your quit..keep it going hard as a rock star!!! You Rock!!!  GOOD LUCK!!!!