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Share your quitting journey

Day 3

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Today was brutal!  When will it get better? The only time in my day I look forward to is going to bed .  I can’t smoke in my sleep.  I walk every day briskly for miles but usually would light up when I get back.  I have a home and family and lots of pets to care for.  Always cleaning and doing yard work.  I was very irritated today.  Used to smoking after finishing a task.  My morning coffee,  and when something upsets me which is a lot and of course after eating, while on the phone and after leaving a public place.  I already suffer from depression and anxiety which I am on medication for.  This is  an out of body experience for me.  Just thought I would share.

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Ah yes, the "when will it get better" question that we all had at one time or another in the early months of our quit.  You can type that into the search bar here and you will find blog after blog  with that same question.  With many responses.   WHEN DOES IT GET EASY??????   

Personally I think it gets easier the minute we agree with our choice to quit smoking or vaping.  I mean wholeheartedly agree.  The "No Matter What" type of agreement.  If you've ever broken a limb or been in a cast or a splint - you have the "no matter what" scenario.  For 4 to 8 to 12 weeks you're gonna be out of commission.  Period.  And then you're gonna be in rehab.  And what do you do?  You just deal with it.  Because you have no choice.  When you make smoking/vaping a no choice in your mind, you'll find you start moving much faster through the bad part of this journey.  It's when you keep that possibility of smoking alive in your brain, that you continue to suffer.  /blogs/Giulia-blog/2016/01/06/your-options  Relinquish the possibility of vaping/smoking.  It doesn't exist in your world any more.


I found the 1st 3 days to be the hardest. Then it continued to get a little easier each week. I'm starting my 7th week, and the past couple of weeks I really feel like a nonsmoker. Just keep reminding yourself that it keeps getting better.



Big congrats on 3 days smoke free.  Be patient, it will get easier.  You've have just eliminated nicotine and thousands of chemicals from your body.  Your body is going to respond.   Glad to see you're keeping busy.  That really helped me a lot.  You're talking about the reward cigarette after finishing a task.  That one has been the hardest for many quitting.   I replaced them with coming on the Ex for a bit when I'd take a break from working instead of smoking.  It helped for the craving to pass.   One day at a time will get you where you want to be.



Thanks for sharing YOUR courage and SELF honesty and GOOD JOB loving YOU and sharing is caring for YOU HELPED ME - TODAY - N.O.P.E -  TOGETHERWE ARE IN UNITY - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER- Yahoooooooooo- gentle hug


I quit in 2013 at age 54 in October. I prepared for nearly three weeks, quit cold turkey and did not use a support community like Ex. That came later.

When I quit, I discovered the obvious, that smoking was my everything--that frightened me. Smashing the addiction was painstaking in my case. I really had to face up to my commitment to not smoke even when I felt desperately unhappy about it. 

Fast forward to now-- I love life without smoking. I see clearly now that it really was all addiction that kept me smoking, kept me thinking that quitting was too hard. I could hardly see it back then. Now I do. Give yourself a chance to see that you too can get over this addiction. A cigarette does not have to be what you think about most, but it takes time.

Posting here was a great thing to do. Keep working your quit one day at a time.


BELIEVE that it WILL get easier.  One day, after a meal or after leaving a public will realize that you never even THOUGHT about smoking and then there will come another and another and more and more time will pass when you don't think about smoking.  That task completion one is a stinker, we ALL had it and, for me, it took the longest time to get past but I did it and so can you.



Congratulations on 3 days of freedom.  Sleeping is good. I did a lot of that not to smoke. All the things you stated are your triggers.  Since you know beforehand what will set it off have a counter plan. /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=7e3c...‌ and‌ The journey continues.  Keep them out of your face!


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Five day, no word from you.  ????  Should we be worried?