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Share your quitting journey

Day 2

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So far Im still smoke free. I have before gone a few days with out a butt so right now Im still not too impressed with myself. Although I did go for a 20 minute run last night which was a great way to substitute a butt. I also had to drink 3 bottles of water which was a good substitute for usual 10 beers! Beers and cigarettes are like milk and cookies, peanut butter and jelly, soap and water....

Tomorrow Im going out to dinner for a friends birthday at a local pizza hang out to watch the Sox game. They serve pitchers of beer which I plan on consuming. I am not ready to quit drinking, but am very much trying to slow it down a bit. Because I will be out drinking and most of my friends that will be there will be most definately be taking butt breaks, it stresses me out a bit. If it was out of sight out of mind, it would make life a lot easier to stay away. I feel as if I know Im gonna break down and smoke one and if I do, it won't turn into just one. It will turn into me bumming atleast 1 off of each of my 5 smoker friends. I understand that it may be a slow process to quit, but I feel that cold turkey 100% may not work. This is how I attempted to quit before in the past and it doesn't work. If maybe I can stay away from buying packs it will slow down my smoking habit instead of completely quitting.

As I re-read that past paragraph I feel like I sound like a dope making up silly excuses. Even though I know bumming butts is wrong, I can tell Im already making excuses for breaking down at tomorrows gathering. Atleast I can go today with out smoking one and we'll see what tomorrow night brings....