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Day 2 almost over and craving

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Sorry, I'm confused still how all this works. 

Today is day 2, I have had a pretty decent day with minimal cravings, and when they have hit a sucker or a cinnamon toothpick has helped greatly. My day started out rough, because I over slept and I need my time to sit and drink my coffee and read here on EX first thing to wake up my brain, but I didn't get much of that. 

I have figured out that my morning coffee doesn't trigger much cravings, or strong ones anyway, maybe because I now have the EX community in the morning. 

BUT... I usually have a cup of coffee in the evening time, and this triggers the worst cravings I think. So now I will have to this coffee off the table now and I'm sad about that.

But I'm going to jump in the shower, and get this crave under control, I WILL NOT SMOKE! 

But boy can I feel it in my stomach and chest. I think I am romanticizing it. 


You said it correctly almost over.  You can do this and you will be on to day three.  Change your thoughts.  We do have control over our thoughts.  Relax in the crave they only last a few minutes.  You can do this.  You are stronger than the crave.  NOPE Breathe Relax.  Think of an ocean wave comes and then it goes, easy, float with it do not fight it. You can handle a few minutes.  Breathe


Jump in the shower, clean out a drawer, substitute green tea for that coffee (I thought blech when I first tried it - but in Europe a thimble of coffee was $4 and two thimbles full was $6 - so I got used to it!), do a crossword, call a friend, go to bed early......

CELEBRATE - you've made it TWO days!!!!



Thanks, it is over now. I keep forgetting not to fight it, and just ride it. 


I jumped in the shower, and took a long one. It felt nice getting out, knowing I wouldn't smoke now. I like green tea, but right now I like herbal teas, like tension tamer (mild mint) and bangle spice (cinnamon and other spices). I also like adult coloring books hehe


Just as you said Beccalynn, aknowledge the crave and ride the wave. You did great taking a shower to distract you from the crave. Just remember it does get easier as you stack those days! Keep it up girl!


It's hard now for you but stick with your quit -you won't regret it. I thought  I could not drink coffee without a cigarette, now I enjoy my coffee more without it.


Congratulations on a day WON, showering helped me early in my quit.  I hated it when I was smoking and I would light up after a shower and all of the lovely scents would be overcome by stinky ashtray smells.  You are doing great.  My daughter loves that Tension Tamer tea, she says it really is calming.  She isn't a smoker but everyone gets anxious some times.

So happy you are doing so well, stay close to the site.  It saved me in those early days and all along.



Just keep on blogging.  The first two weeks are rough, the next two weeks it gets better and the week after that and after that.  Just hang it there.  they won't last forever.  It helps if you can find yourself something physical to do (at least that helped with me), cleaning out the refrigerator, ripping up something, shredding something, you get what I mean.


Hello, beccalynn35 ! day 2 over and into day3! Hope it's going a little better! It will get better ya know! Stay committed and determined and keep moving forward!  WTG!   ~Terrie~


Day 2 is amazing doing well for day 3 too? I also had a serious coffee issue but guess what? I am back to drinking way too much coffee so I know  you will absolutely be able to enjoy coffee again without a cigarette, like it's normal, because it is.  

Here's a great blog about Surfing the Urge

The Push and Pull

About the Author
I've been smoking since I was 13, and I am going to be 42 in a few days. I have had 2 quits that lasted 11 months. I have been trying to quit again now for over a month. I would get 4 days smoke free, then smoke for a couple then get 4 more days ect... I'm bipolar, with an anxiety disorder and ptsd. I'm also an alcohlic. I go to a group for dual diagnosis for these, as well as AA meetings. I also see a therapist and a psychiatrist regularly.