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Day 2, a question for EX's

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I'm working my way thru day 2!  I took a bath and took a nap, because I just felt like sleeping would help me keep my mind off of the cravings.  I'm hungry - but maybe not hungry... just looking to feed that craving.  Trying to snack on healthy pita chips and hummus dip.  I need to drink more water.

I have a question for anyone who has succesfully quit using nicotine gum as an aid.  Did you REALLY use the gum for 12 weeks like the product says you should?  I mean, I can understand why some people might need to use it that long, but I am thinking, God - I would hate to still be addicted to nicotine in a few weeks just because I am using this gum.  Wouldn't it be better to stop using the gum as soon as possible and get all the nicotine out of your system??  But then, I read that little packet and o course it says "Use this product as directed if you want to succesfully quit smoking."  Is that for real, or is that just a marketing gimmick?   So, if you used the gum, how long did you use it?


Actually, I started with the patch (1 1/2 weeks) and loved it but developed an alergy to the adhesive.  So I bought the gum but by then I was at 2 weeks and didn't seem to need it as much.  Therefore, I would hold out most of the day or wait till I was really edgy then have a piece....I only chewed one piece a day at the most.  I'm now at 50 days and haven't used anything since the third week.  Everyone is different but that is what worked for me.


I know you asked only for people who used gum and I didn't---so you can ignore this if you want!!!!!!

But, I just have to say it is ridiculous to think that they can make a product that would fit everyone's quit AND that they could determine how long EVERYONE should use it. It's a guide (I think---again---my opinion)----not an absolute.

I quit cold turkey and I agree with you....once you beat the actual smoking habit---you are going to have to go back and kick nicotine. However, many people on here did use the gum and I am sure they will also respond. Whatever you do---Stay Strong....don't smoke.


Good question. If it helps, Ill stay on the patch forever,lol.


If you want a successful quit, then don't smoke!

I used the patch, and used it as long as I felt I needed to UP to the 12 weeks. I think I used it about 6 weeks.

To me the logic of staying on the NRT for 12 weeks is that the longer you separate yourself from filling a nic craving with a cigarette, the less likely your brain is to think that a cigarette will satisfy a craving. Don't believe the package - believe yourself! Cold Turkey is an excellent way to quit, so how could the package be right?

Stay strong, breathe deep and follow your instincts!


Most Important to keep in mind is - If you are going to use any NRT like Patches or Gum  - PLEASE don't EXCEED the recommended dosage! We have seen devastating results from that and some people have used them indiscriminately - NRTs Cannot quit for you - they can HELP some people quit - but never overuse them - they are DANGEROUS when overused!


Hi. I am on the patch. It is now my seventh week and I have gone down to a lower dose. Next week I will by the lowest dosage but I am hoping I dont wear it for the full two weeks.  As I read what everyone else wrote, I guess we are all different in which way we quit. The one thing we have in common is we all are here to protect our quit with everything we have. Stay close, blog often and we are supporting you on your journey!!!!


i never use the gum, but i got hooked on the log,  and had to get off them went back to smoking, i am now on the patch, day 2 no smoking, 


I quit with nicotine gum but have been addicted to the gum for past 10 years when I was working 8 -10 hour shifts without breaks. I went off gum cold turkey last week instead of following the directions that say to slowly reduce gum useage. The gum is totally worth it to me and helped me quit, but I don't think I'd go off it all at once if I had to do it over.


Thanks everyone!  It's great to hear everyone else's ideas and thoughts!

As it is I'm only chewing like 4 peices a day.  2 mg.  So I'm not worried about an overdose.  And I haven't smoked.  I have just had a couple people tell me that after 36 hours the nicotine is out of your system so the addiction part is over and it's just the habit you have to beat.  But if you're using the gum or another NRT, then I guess you're doing it the other way around... getting over the HABIT part first and then weaning yourself off the nicotine.  I will have to see how I'm feeling after a week or two and decide from there, but I really doubt I will need the gum for a whole 12 weeks. 


From someone who isn't on their first quit, the habit is the hardest to get over.  It is like a mental addiction.  If holding onto the nicotine can get you past it....go for it.  Only you know for sure.