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Day 2 Anger

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Today is full of anger, not sure why but boy when I stop moving and start wanting a drag off my vape, I get mad because I can’t have one!  I am sick of eating, I don’t want to run around, I’m exhausted, I didn’t sleep last night so I’m just a freaking ray of sunshine! 

What do I do besides whine? 


Our emotions seem to get the best of us when we quit smoking/vaping. It is very hard in the beginning. Instead of thinking that you can't have one.  Tell yourself that you don't want one because you don't do that anymore.  You have to change the pattern of thinking in order to change the behavior. Get rid of the stinkin thinkin. .  I lost a quit because of anger once. I made up my mind it would not be my downfall ever again.

Here are few tips that will help

1) Remove yourself from the situation. 

 2) Slow, deep breathing always worked.  Try it. 

3) Look in the mirror and pretend to be venting


Anger is a normal human emotion...but it can be misdirected when quitting an addiction...we can use the anger by wanting to relapse...use your anger to “time out” go take a walk, to watch a comedy, to lay down and rest, etc., realize you are angry because you have to deal with something uncomfortable...but then get past it...tell yourself you donot have to be angry...that you are stronger than this addiction...go through the emotion .. then “let go” of it...

Hang in there...



  Thank you for the info, I ended up folding laundry. I just have to stay busy. I can’t keep idle or I start thinking of it. What’s funny is I am kinda ok while I’m busy, it’s while I’m not busy that I get this way. OMGAHHHH! I just saw a commercial!  The perfect puff is here.....really!! So stupid! The perfect legal addiction is here!  Smh


Thanks again

Xyerah ~ LA



Thank you for the information! Like I said before, I have to stay busy, but I found something late last night when I was about to go to bed, I started chewing on my flossing sword (I never know what to call them but always called them swords because my boys would have sword fights with them lol) anyway, I keep one on my yeti rambler to chew on when I get a craving and it kinda works, I need to find something else but this works. (It’s weird though, even when I smoked real cigarettes, I never held one in my mouth because I didn’t like smoke in my face lol, I’m such a weirdo hahah). 

Man, I woke up in a good mood at 6:15 AM, but I’m not out of bed yet haha

Thanks again!

Xyerah ~ aka ~ LA


Xyerah Glad you feel better today...but truthfully in the beginning of the quit it is an emotional roller coaster...embrace the good moments because they will help get through the rough one’s ... Gotcha in my thoughts and a Happy Monday ~ Colleen 280 DOF 




Thank you Sweetplt!


Thank you Indingrl.01.06.2011


Congratulations, I am really happy to hear that things are getting better for you.  I cannot count the times that I allowed anger to get the best of me, that I lost quits because I didn't know how to feel.  I didn't accept that feelings are normal, stuffing them down with nicotine is NOT.  I am so disgusted with this vaping epidemic and the people who are working so hard to quit while the people who want to keep them addicted do everything they can to make it harder.  Nicotine addiction is powerful but recovering addicts are so much MORE powerful.  You are doing great...some growing pains but look at what you have learned.

Welcome to EX,


About the Author
I am a dog mom, a new military mom, a traveling child mom, a wife, and I am a hawt mess and I am not afraid to admit it. I do some graphic design work on the side but mainly stay home with my pups so if my parents need me I am free to drive down anytime I am needed.