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Day 18: The Day After

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Slept like the dead last night. Was in bed by 7:00 PM and slept until a certain furry brat started crying at around 6:00 AM which I tried, very unsuccessfully,  to end. It was glorious to sleep without coughing myself awake. Being jarred awake by a Bratty Catty's yowling, not so glorious.

The guys showed up around 8:00 this morning, by which time, I'd been perched over the kitchen sink for 15-20 minutes coughing up a lung. What happened??!  My coughing went off and on until about 10:00 AM, (according to my Cough Log, which I now keep, ) then abated. Had a few incidents during the day at 4:00 PM and again at 5:00  and 6:30 but beyond those -- nada. Also, I was not short of breath ONCE all day, so I managed to get several chores done, including cleaning all the stuff that had been moved out of the OLD laundry / storage room and was now on the patio covered in sheetrock dust, as well as paint the garden tool caddy therefrom which has mortise and tenon joints. So everything, (including the patio itself, ) got washed and dried. Later, I made some coffee creamer,  (yes, it's pretty easy,) and later baked a loaf of sandwich bread,  and not once was breathless. So It was a great day.

Colvin's Glorious White Bread.jpg

Colvin's Glorious Coffee Creamer.jpg

Taking my meds as directed and am hoping for a cough-free day tomorrow, which I will spend at home again. Am still feeling very tired, but am just grateful to be getting a decent night's sleep and having good breathing days.

Peace and gratitude,


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About the Author
"Non-traditional" History senior, University of Houston. Will be graduating Spring, 2022. Retired. My academic work has been published. I have an eight-year-old Orange Tabby named Chester who's a big love bug, but very people-shy. I am extremely blessed in that, after 50 years of smoking, I have manageable health issues. I am extremely grateful for this site.