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Day 16 and a Weekend Visit from the Grandkids!

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I can hardly contain my excitement  and used to smoke when I got excited...I used to smoke when I was down..Come to think of it I smoked no matter how I felt,  lighting one after another!  There is a girl and a boy, age 4 & 6.  I told them we would have a painting party tomorrow and boy are they up for that!   My son brought his laptop, so he plans on working tomorrow.   And it was only fitting for the kids to spend the night with Gaga!

I am so happy that I have become a non smoker!  My son grew up with me as a smoker, totally oblivious to how much he hated it, or I knew and couldn't stop myself.  My apartment smells so good when I come in from the outside.  I'm sure I smell better!  All those ashy  messes are gone from my  life right now and I don't miss it! 

I have reaquainted friendships with others from EX whom I had known before and have made some new EX friends, also.  It is so comforting to know that I'm not doing this alone.  I have also daily asked for help from the Man Upstairs.  I haven't had what I would call a craving yet and have totally taken it one day  at a time.  I've experienced a lot of inner peace and joy to not be burdened by those nasty cigarettes.  I'm feeling physically much better.  My feet are almost normal now and the vasculitis is gone for the most part. 

It is sooo worth not smoking anymore.  There are so many  health benefits!  Even my  COPD feels calmed down and I have stopped coughing.   I have a friend locally, also, that quit about the same time I did and she's doing great as well.  This is the first blog of my  quit.  I don't know why I couldn't write this time at the beginning, but my brain just couldn't swing thinking very clearly.  So, I just visited with new and old friends on the EX site.  I thank you for all of your blogs because I read a lot and it was helpful.  Thanks to everyone for your supportive comments!

I have a long way to go yet, but for today I feel blessed not to have to light up!  To all of you who are just now quitting, this is doable, it really is!