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Share your quitting journey

Day 100

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Who knew 100 days would be so easy?!?!?! O.K. so maybe it wasn't, but the reward is far better. There are days that were easier than other days. Today is an easy day. Yesterday was not. The good thing is there are a lot more easy days than hard days.

 I love being a non smoker. I love not stinking. I love being able to tell people that its been 49 days, 62 days, 99 days, etc. I love every moment of my dr visits when I tell him I am 99 days smober!! I am on day 100 now and cannot believe it!!! How? Where? Who? These are the broken questions I have now. I do know that I will always be a non smoker. There are no stresses great enough to make me smoke again. The smokes never once made anything better.

The hardest thing I have had to face is being able to relax. I used nicotine as a way to relax for long that I cant seem to figure out even now how to relax. I have moments of meditation that seem to help, but the best thing I have found is just to stop and take 3 big deep breaths. (It helps with the asthma too). I am always trying to find new ways to be able to let the water roll off my back so to speak. I love having my truck smell like kids and all their glory then to just constantly reek of cigarettes. Atleast now there is a variety. When I smell something fruity I know there is going to be half a day spent trying to get candy out of the carpet. I hate to do that task, but I am thrilled to be able to smell it.

The coolest thing I have found with being an ex is taste. The very same food that I ate 100 days ago is not nearly as good today. I have found that some of the food I ate then is just as bland now. I love burritoes with rice in them now. Taco bell is my new friend. I dont like the pizza you put in the microwave. It tastes like cardboard!!! I HATE okra.  And baked potatoes are not as great as I thought they were. I do love them loaded though.

So, now that I have that out of the way......My medical history has been a bit rocky throughout my life. I, however, have found a few things of concern. If I hadn't of quit smoking when I did I would be going through bronchitis like the rest of my family. I would not be able to see that my smoking was prolonging my childrens progress in recovery of these seasonal colds/allergies. I love being a mom and now that I have quit I can be one longer. There are things that we as parents don't see until we are run over by the damn truck. Quitting smoking has made me realize there is more to life than being happy with a ciggy hanging out of my mouth.

To all of those newbies........Stay strong and true to yourself. If you mess up, so what. Catch the train before it leaves you. There are ways of coping. There are ways to be the rock that you have to be about not smoking. Be the rock you need to be and don't give in.

To all of you seasoned non smokers......I am strong, but you've made me stronger. I love each and everyone of you for your comments and support. Some wild some crazy and some mean, but they all worked. And they were all for me. No matter what the problem there has been someone to help. Thank you ex family. I hope to be able to pay it forward like you guys did for me.

Good day and good luck all.

