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Share your quitting journey

Day 1 on and Day 7 of being cigarette-free.

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On Christmas Eve, I started to feel sick.  Scratchy throat, dry cough, the usual winter blahs.  I continued smoking that night and on through Christmas while I was steadily feeling worse.  The last cigarette I had was on Christmas night, seven days ago.  I have been sick (really sick), this past week.  So, most of the days I haven't wanted to smoke.  But as I get better, the more the craving for one comes back.  I really wasn't planning on quitting.  It was forced by illness.  Although, that doesn't mean it's any easier.  It was cold turkey, no patch, no gum, no lozenge.   When I feel like I want a cigarette, I say it out loud.  To whoever is around, or to nobody at all.  But saying it makes me feel better.  It's the little things every day that have to get me through.