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DAY 90!! Wahoo!!

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I just love milestones!!  Ten days from the Triple Digit Club.  Forty Days until I exit NML.  Nine months until the 6% club -- and so on.  I am such a happy quitter I should pay someone for the fact that I feel this good!! 

Unfortunately, I have bronchitis (sad face).  I've had a sore throat for the last couple of days, tightness in my chest and a nasty cough.  (another sad face).  I coughed like crazy in the first week after I quit, and one of the joys of the remainder of the time has been that I haven't been coughing.  So I went to the doctor, hoping I could stave off bronchitis, but no, I have it.  I worked at home today and might work at home tomorrow, and I'm taking an antibiotic because the doctor said when people with COPD get acute bronchitis they are better off with an antibiotic. 

But enough with the sad faces.  I am totally stoked about reaching three months.  Oh, I put a comment on the whyquit Facebook page today and it was removed because I mentioned the Allen Carr book!  I didn't even post the link, I just said that the Allen Carr book made all the difference for me in response to a woman who was three months into her quit and feeling seriously depressed.  I thought about it for a few minutes and decided that it's just a little too strict for me, so I will confine my comments to this site, where we are free to share anything that we think helps.  Nothing agains, they have awesome resources and I will continue to recommend it, but I'm done with their Facebook page, and commenting on their FB posts.

I'm getting really excited about the trip to Nashville -- tomorrow is April and that's the month in which we're getting together.  Now we measure the time in terms of weeks, not months.  I was hoping to be smaller by the time I get to Nashville (oh, vanity, thou art ridiculous) but it looks like any difference will be imperceptible by that time, so I will go and just be me.  Novel concept.  But I really get that nobody will love me less because I'm a size 16 and not a size 4.  I have a 50th high school reunion coming up in October and I will be however I am then, too.  I just have to get a drop-dead dress for the occasion!!

I'm going to finish watching "The Voice" and then climb into bed to try to feel better tomorrow.  Love to everyone and a big shout out to Nancy for her 1,000 days and to Linda for 500.  You are awesome and one of these days I'll be passing those milestones, too!!  Sweet dreams everyone!