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Here it is, the end of day 5 and I have to say... it was easier than day 4!  I have eliminated my triggers, but am scared to death because i know i will have to let them back into my life.  My worst are COFFEE and BEER, and since i quit last friday, i have had no coffee and absolutely nothing to drink... i am a bartender... and i am in trouble because i think that the true test is getting past the urges that pop up when triggers are present.   Monday is a drinking day, opening day for baseball... god help me.  I am thankful there were no smoking coworkers around me today, but I NEED COFFEE !!! 


Have some coffee! Good lord, you don't have to make yourself miserable just because you are quittng smoking. It's a big misconception that you should avoid triggers. Just the opposite. You can't unlearn a trigger until you experience and respond by NOT smoking. Avoid triggers makes the relearning (the "healing") impossible. Embrace the crave. Taunt it. You can acknowledge that you want a cigarette when a trigger hits. I mean, who's fooling who? We all smoked for years. Of course, we want a cigarette.

Cofffee was by far my biggest trigger. It was so strongly ingrained in my junkie thinking that I was still reaching for a cigarette when pouring a cup of coffee a month after I quit. It the last daily trigger that I killed off. I used to take my coffee out on my smoking deck and enjoy a non-smoking break. I'd say, "time for a smoke..." and then chuckle and say, "oh, wait, I don't do that any more. I'm a ex-smoker now and I love it". I'd take a sip of coffee and then a couple of deep, long breaths and savor the improving breathing.

Now, drinking booze can be a different story. Some people lose their self-control when drinking alcohol and that can be extremely dangerous to your quit. You have to be honest with yourself on that one. I can't tell you how you react to alcohol. I'm a very light drinker and drinking beer or a single-malt scotch didn't jeopardize my quit at all. But, you may be different. You may need to stay away from drinking for a few weeks. You may need to limit your drinking. I can't answer that for you.


I remember my first few days as a non smoker.  I was afraid to drink coffee because it was a huge trigger for me.  I drank a cup anyway and I was ok.  I tried to just think about how good the coffee was and not about what has went with it for years.  (the cig).  Now I think the coffee tastes better than ever.  My worst times were mornings with coffee and around 2pm with coffee.  Now I am fine with it.  It would probably give you some energy too.  I was so tired when I first quit.  I was like you afraid to drink it.  Have a cup and think about the taste you will do great.  You are past day 3 and alot of people say that is the hardest.  I would wait a while on the beer though.  I have not had one yet and it is day 50.  I know you can do it.  We all do.  You are strong and you have made it almost a week.  We are all here if you need us.  Good luck!!


I think you should have a cup of coffee - you need to drink a cup without smoking to prove to yourself that you can do it. After the first cup, you're home free. As for the alcohol thing, I would avoid it for a couple of weeks, when you have a few drinks your defenses are lowered and it is much easier to rationalize having "just one cig". Just one means you are back to being a smoker. 

Don't be filled with fear - YOU are in charge of your quit. The only thing to really be afraid of is SMOKING!

Day 5 is awesome! You are doing great and don't throw it all away. If you need any more motivation, look at those two beautiful faces in your picture! 


You may actually be surprised at how good the coffe taste without the cigarette. That was my finding and I loved it!! Go ahead........have a cup!!  


thanks for the friendly advice - honestly i was hoping to hear exactly what was said about coffee... i am going to enoy my first cup today at work.  problem with work is there are smokers there, which makes life difficult.  you are right on about drinking, it lessens my ability to rationalize "only one cig" which i know leads to a second, etc...  i know it is me against the cigs, but i take my addictions seriously, caffeine, nicotine, and others we'll just leave be - i never was a 'social' anything, i always go all out.

last nite at work wasn't bad, except for my manager telling me i really wasn't quitting because i occaisionally use the e-cigarette... i explained to him it was no different than nicotine gum, and honestly, what is wrong with people???  The last time i tried to quit he was the same negative way.  i think he really wants me to fail... one more reason to quit - prove your boss wrong !!!!!!




By all means, joka is right. Coffee is actually better without the smoke. Hope you've poured yourself a cup by now and enjoyed it. 


First congratulations on your quit. I wasnt only a nicotene addict, I am a Coffee addict. I gave up smoking 57 days ago, but would not let go of  my coffee. I didnt have a problem with that. I love coffee. It is a better drug of choice for me in my eyes.  You are determined and that is great. Take care,   Kathy