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I have a half a pack of cigs.  The last pack is in a drawer some where.  As soon as I finish this half pack I am calling it quits!

No matter what, I wont open that other pack!  Now, my friends please be there for me tonight... By midnight I will probably be out of cigarettes and I will go without them from there on...

I refuse to open the other pack!  I have read many things here, and have research also. And, yes.... I AM KILLING MYSELF SLOWLY but SURELY!

Having said that, I will try to spend lots of time outdoors tomorrow, drink lots of water, and go to the store and buy some straws to chew on!  Anything I can have in my hands to mimic what I'm giving up, at least until I feel better about it.

Does this sound like a good plan?  I hope so, for my own sake 🙂



    A couple of recommendations. First, get rid of the last pack in the drawer. Non smokers do not have cigs in the house. Keeping a last pack of smokes in the house is a recipe for disaster. You must tell yourself that cigs are not an option. The second thing is you  must change your thinking. Instead of believing you are giving something up, change your thinking to "I am not missing anything." As long as you feel like something is missing, you will crave it. Make sense? Choose not to smoke, and choose to be happy about it. Keep a positive attitude as much as possible. I have been quit for over 500 days and I don't miss them at all! You will be just fine without them.


Wholeheartedly agree with breakinthechains, also visit and to really understand the addiction. You can do this, it is doable. Not One Puff Ever... NOPE.


Hooray for making the decision to Quit.  I agree that you MUST get those cigarettes out of the house.  We are here for you - not likely that I will respond at midnight, but will be there whenever I'm awake and home.  I agree with breakinthechains that you need positive self talk.  In the beginning my attitude wasn't all that positive, but I kept saying things to myself that were positive.  Example is "I will not smoke"  rather than "I will try not to smoke."


You must be ready to make a real change for the better and you must be truly done with cigarettes. And I strongly suggest that you throw that pack away. You also need to WANT to quit. You sound like you are trying to talk yourself into it. Best wishes to you - you are not giving up anything, you are gaining your life back. 


yOU ARE NOT GIVING UP - You are GAINING by quitting. Your health will be so much beter - maybe you don't realize it now but in a very short amount of time you'll regainh your sense of smell and tastebuds. You'll breathe so much easier. I threw away everything having to do with smoking and I'm glad I did. Some of the urges are tough and if there were smokes available - well lets just say I didn't want to tease myself because I am truly comitted to my quit.  Toss em  - it is a very empowering feeling.  Maggie


Good job, Sick of Smoke!  You are going to smell pretty, plus breathe a whole lot better and sooner too.  I am proud of you for taking the plunge into the great abyss with the rest of us quitters.  Welcome aboard!  You will release your mind and body - you will be free as a butterfly!      : )


I'll be on yahoo today if you wanna chat! 🙂


Thanks to all of you!  I gave the pack to a friend...  Is not with me anymore.


I will be on yahoo later Crystal!  I'm sorry, yesterday was hectic and couldn't get on for long.


Thanks for the links Linda, the more I read the more I want to quit!


The reason for keeping the pack was sort of a security blanket... I know it sounds stupid!  Well, is no longer here, and I will keep you posted on my journey very soon.


Again thanks all, I really appreciate this from my heart!


Breaking:  I thank you for your wise advise!