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Cortisone shots and other horrors

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I had both shoulders injected with cortisone today in the hopes that I can get the pain under control.  It was not an easy decision for me to make because I was afraid that the orthopedic surgeon would just pressure me because I am supposed to schedule my surgery.  I was last there in 2012.  In any event, I saw the PA who should be given angel wings because of how gentle her touch is and how amazingly warm and sweet she is.  I would like her to give the surgeon lessons in bedside manner.  The lidocaine, which numbs the joint only lasts for a few hours and is wearing off as we speak…the cortisone should start to absorb within the next 2-3 weeks according to what they said, however, I have never had that experience, it should feel better in a day or two.  The first day is a little rough as the lidocaine wears off and he joint realizes it has been “attacked” by outside forces.  I am not to work out or lift anything for 48 hours, and I am not to fall…last time I was injected, I fell on the arm two weeks after the injection and blew the benefit right out of the shoulder.  I am really hopeful that this will help and I will see the doctor in September to either schedule the surgery or attempt to postpone it a little longer…we will see.  I did get to see x-rays and see that the deterioration has accelerated so I get to SEE why it hurts so much; I am not sure why that helps, must need to see confirmation that my pain is real, how sad is that?


As I was sitting in radiology waiting for my x-rays, my cell phone rang and I had a hard time getting it out of my purse.  The looks of judgment that were sent my way were reminiscent of back when I smoked and I had to laugh.  In fact, I had a hard time stopping because it was so stupid.  I FORGOT to turn it off, it’s not like I lit a cigarette in the waiting room.  I don’t miss those looks of contempt, those looks that are singling you out as a LOSER…or perhaps it should be ADDICT. My craves still come at times but they are so much weaker, I am 163 days out, oh and I had to look that up because I knew I was over five months but not sure how close I am to six.  It DOES get easier, it is not a daily struggle and if it is, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG…you are not paying attention to what you have learned, you think you have to fight Nic every time he makes an appearance…you do not have to FIGHT him…you can IGNORE him and he will lose his power.  No one can quit for you but remember that no one can SMOKE for you either.  I had an argument with my son yesterday, the last quit I allowed myself to lose was over an argument with him and it was nowhere near as intense as this one.  He told me to RELAX…that is like the kiss of death to say to someone who is clearly upset and angry, it is right up there with CALM DOWN.  I am just learning to deal with my feelings and if you are uncomfortable with my being angry then YOU go away, I have a right to get angry and sad and I have a right to cry…I have a right to let those feelings out.  Just because YOU haven’t seen that before is really not MY problem.  Look at yourself, look at the times you have blown up and been supported and loved through it and allow me the same consideration.  Allow me to express my anger, to cry when I am sad, to feel for the first time since I was 17 years old and I started to stuff.  It is okay, it is MORE than okay, it is NORMAL for me to be allowed that expression and at 64+ years, if you don’t like my behavior, go away.  I am not hurting anyone, I am not blowing smoke at you, I am not polluting the air you need to stay alive…okay, so maybe I was guilty of a little NOISE pollution in a waiting room.  Did you SEE how OLD I am…cell phones are still a novelty to me. 


I love you - yep I am still fighting for my right to be angry, express myself and cry!  Everyone looks at me as if I have lost my mind because I quit smoking.  In fact, it is just the opposite, I have regained my mind.  I dont know your complete history, but hope that your shoulders and everything else get better.


Jennifer - 61 DOF

Ellen I LOVE you. Again you are my Hero. You tell em Babe. And we have a LOT of feeling to catch up on so they will just have to deal with it!!! The cell phone thing is sooo funny. I can see the "scowls" now. I'm so glad you got your shots and I'm praying they help. Yes, noooo falling!!! Congrats on your 163 - thanks for leading me through NML. Are we outta "there" yet???? You most certainly probably are!!! Whoop whoop!!! The Camels say hi! (The caravan camels, not the cigarette ones!!!). 🙂

Glad that you got your shots hope they work for you.  I don't know about getting the shots but, my husband has had them and can see the relief they provide,  Yeah children don't understand that we a lot to learn. That's ok his turn is coming. Congratulation on you 163 days of freedom.Sweet Hugs For You


That second paragraph just rocked my world, Ellen! 


Horrors indeed! Oh my! I hope your shoulders begin to feel better very soon! 

I am so sorry about the argument.....I can relate in terms of some things with a family member recently. I found this....and liked it:

  "There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living. " - Jose N. Harris
  You are doing great! Congrats to you - and feel better!

I have a dumb phone


I'm glad you got the shots. It seems like you were worried they would only do one shoulder.  The pain should ease, Time

(time can be a miserable thing sometimes)


Sending you lots of love and hugs and prayers. Hoping the shots help you and you get some rest tonight. You are such an awesome person and support for many here on this site. 

I know I am responsible for my quit, but, you have helped me in so many ways.. Congrats on staying strong through all the pain and keeping your quit safe.

Love ya



I pray that you get much needed relief from the injections. I want to thank you for all your wonderful blogs. I find so much in each and every one of them.


I'm glad you got the shots.....I pray for you that they will work.

Kathy, I love that quote....I want to copy, paste and maybe tattoo it backwards on my forehead so I can read it each day.

The cell phone has happened to all of us.      A few years back I was at a funeral with my oldest sister.    She is NOT so technical savy.    Her phone went off and she dug around in her purse, finally found it and couldn't figure out how to turn it off!     A few looks but (thank goodness) they were all mostly family and understood.

Get better and thanks for being here for me/us!

Sharon 331 DOF


Hope you get some relief and do some things you enjoy!!!You are in my thoughts and prayers.....congratulations on stacking up the days I am 150 today I'm following right behind you!


Ouch! I hope the cortisone kicks in quicker than expected. So sorry you are in pain 😞 But girl...I LOVE your attitude! 

you need the approval of others anyway for anything you come up with to be successful. might as well get used to it.


Keep that great attitude!!! Hope your pain gets better soon.



sure hope the cortisone injections will do wonders for you,i had a hip injected several years ago it was so painful i said i would never do that again, other people says there's didn't hurt, go figure


Cortisone shots hurt.  Yup.   I've had two given in two different places in the past two months.  But they have helped.  So I know what you're feeling. 

I love this blog you wrote. Points that need illumination:    It DOES get easier, it is not a daily struggle and if it is, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG…you are not paying attention to what you have learned,  And witih reference to the Nicodemon:  you do not have to FIGHT him…you can IGNORE him and he will lose his power.That's just so true.  Just ignore him.  He dies when attention is not given him.  His little ego just withers up with lack of thought in his direction.  The more we nourish our freedom by denying his presence, the faster he loses his hold on us. 

PS - I'm as old as you.  Fortunately I keep my cell phone, the infrequent times I carry it  - OFF.  For I still haven't learned how to answer a call with this new smart phone.  It's definely smarter than I.  And fortunately I have no daily need of it in my life.  I wonder how people who spend their days looking at their hands experience life, actually.  i equate walking around WITHOUT being attached to a cell phone as freeing as quittig smoking.  But then I'm not 16.  Or 35.  or..... 


wow just read that today - you are so good - and I too am crying, angry and giddy at times but it creeps up on me and with my son it is usually ending up in tears.

Thank you thank you so that I may know i am not alone!! You hang in there and protect the quit and the tears and everything you feel today that maybe you never felt , its a ride for sure, but I am learning I can move through the pain and feel and move on!

About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.