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Tonight I am ending my 46th day as an Ex-smoker. Wow! That feels really good to say...

The last 46 days, well really all the days leading up to it too, have been amazing?!

There have been highs, like all the beautiful moments in nature that I have witnessed since I began this journey. Like the fact that my anxiety and stress levels have dropped dramatically. That my husband and bestie have been such amazing support. That I want to share this feeling with everyone I know who still smokes... ( I know.... DON'T BE ONE OF THOSE EX SMOKERS!!!  LOL!)  That I have found a wonderful group of people on this site, who have cheered me on and given me inspiration!

There have also been lows... Arguments with a friend that shook me hard! But I didn't smoked. Dealing with dental work, and all the unexpected expenses and hits to the self esteem that come with it. But I didn't smoke. Fear... of all that could lie ahead...

But, I didn't Smoke!

So, now God in all his wisdom and sense of humor.... Has decided that I should be blessed with a really rotten cold. How ironic is it that I finally stop smoking.... so that I could breath freely for the first time in years... and now I can barely catch my breath???

The wonderful thing about this little speed bump, is that it will pass. Just like the cravings, and triggers, the false beliefs that I couldn't do this, that I really didn't care if smoking killed me....

Thank you all for the support on this journey. Maybe I could have done it without you. But it would have been so much harder!

Also, since fall has decided to skip so many of us, and deliver winter early... Just thought I would share a picture of my walking buddies in the snow.
