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A few days ago I selected a quit date of June 1 and was SO GLAD to find this site yesterday! I have a question about Bupropion, which was prescribed to me (although I don't have the pills yet).  If you've used Bupropion, please tell me if/how it worked for you... I don't know anyone else who has ever used it to stop smoking. I tried it several years ago and it didn't seem to help at that time. I do know that "things change", so maybe it will work this time???

Thanks for any info...


Welcome to this site!  I'm a "cold turkey" quitter m'self, so I can't give you any information on your question.  But I can give you an opinion as an 11 year quitter.  As we say here - take what works and leave what doesn't.  So if this doesn't speak to you - just let it go.

If it didn't work before, logic dictates that it won't work again.  Unless YOU'VE changed.  Or unless some drugs you were taking at that time counteracted the affects of bupropion.  Some  people have had benefit from it.  Some have had very negative experiences from the side affects.  If it works for you this time around - GREAT!  But understand that there is no magic potion that will take away all your cravings.  God we all wish that were so.  But the fact is - there is no such thing.  

So - what are your plans should the Bupropion not give you the emotional succor you need that first day when you put down that last cigarette on June 1st?  And that's really my point.  What we offer here in this support community is the emotional succor, I guess I'd call it, to get through it.  But we also offer the education - which is equally important.  You've come here asking for advice.  That's the first step in overcoming this addiction.  But understand that if YOU aren't willing to change, "things" don't change.  With this addiction, you can't expect something else to change for you, or change you, You have to change YOURSELF.  And that takes work.   If you're willing to put in the time, you will reap the rewards.  

You can do this.  Really.  You're here and have set a quit date because you understand that smoking is not good for you.  Bottom line - that's why you're here.  READ.  Please, just read the blogs and conversations on here.  You'll see you're not alone.  You'll see the successes and failures.  And you'll learn from them.  And hopefully they will encourage, enlighten and ultimate empower your journey.  Glad you've joined us.    


I have to give a quick answer due to time.  I used it and it is a help.  Not a magic cure but a help if you use it correctly.  I used it for 90 days and it helped to take the edge off.  You still have to work the quit.  If you have further questions inbox me and I will help.  Sorry for the quick answer, time issue. 


Thank you, Guilia! I really do appreciate your encouragement. And I am reading! Love this site! It is so wonderful to have people who've "been there" right there backing me up... I think I'm going to succeed


Thanks for getting back to me, Jackie. Glad to know it helped...that's all one can expect! I know this won't be a "walk in the park"... But good to know you're there!!!


I'm a cold turkey quitter also & have nothing to add to the bupropion question. I'm only here to welcome you to Ex & wish you well.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @

Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome PCAT

Looks like you have received some great responses already.

If you want to read what others have written you can search Wellbutrin or Zyban also there is some posts in

EX Community Manager


I am currently using Bupropion. 

The way it works for me (and everyone is different), first you set a quit date, you start taking the pills one week - 10 days prior to your quit date. You start taking 1 pill a day for the first three days, after three days you take 2 pills/day. You will drink more water, I carry a water bottle all the time now. 
Soon the cigarettes will taste terrible. I found I was "getting nothing out of it". I was also reading Allen Carr's book at the same time. You basically have to gag your last cigarette down. I did gag a lot actually.

On my quit date, I got up and I didn't smoke. I didn't use NRT. I just quit.

Hubby quit with me and he uses gum. I think he is at 2 pieces/day. Not bad. It's only been 17 days.



I also quit cold turkey so I'm no help but I want to welcome you to the site and let you know that we're all here for you and your quit.....


Thank you Mike, Mark, Jaime and Marilyn!

I'm feeling very positive right now...and have actually cut back already, just by thinking before I light up! That alone was surprising to me, as someone who has smoked a pack a day for 52 years!!! Expecting the Bupropion in the mail, hopefully tomorrow, so I can get started on them.

I also found a great tip on this site last night...using a cinnamon stick as a cig substitute Quite satisfying in that you have to draw a bit and you can take deep, deep breaths, both if which help me a great deal. 




I just received my prescription today of bupropion 🙂 feel free to reach out to me as we walk this journey together 🙂


@Nlking86  Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to the Ex.  Please be aware this post is dated 2017 so you may not receive a response from them.  Please consider creating your own post under Journal/Blogs to introduce yourself to the community and receive lots so support.

Is used Welbutrin also, along with nicotrol  inhalers.  It took me 50 years to finally get it.  I was fortunate to find the Ex a week prior to my quit.  I learned about nicotine addiction and how to quit.   I skipped those steps in the pass and was never successful.  This link is a great place to start.

It's important to be aware that even with an aid, quitting takes work.

There's great support here so reach out anytime we can help.  I suggest taking the Daily Pledge.  It's a great way to stay on track one day at time.

Stay close


About the Author
Hello! My quit date in June 1 (been planning this for a few days already, even though I joined today, 5/22) and I'm both excited and nervous. I'm a young 68 year old woman, in good health (so far!), have a great husband, good friends, great step-kids and young grand kids (who live far away). Life is pretty good! And I'm fortunate in that hardly anyone I know smokes. So this should be relatively easy for me, right??? I sure hope so! I do struggle with my weight and am in a good place right now, so it's important to me to not gain weight in my new non-smoking life. I'm a NYC girl, lived in CT for 13 years and now I'm in Virginia for the past 13 years. (Still miss CT!) I work part-time as a Tour Guide at James Madison's Montpelier and I also do volunteer work in the Cancer Center at Martha Jefferson the Infusion Unit. In getting older and knowing my time is limited and valuable, I simply want to stay healthy and feeling as good as I do right now!