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Bumps in the road-Rant

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I just got home from work.  It is Friday, so I should be in a good mood.  And I had been all day.  Until I walked in the door and something changed.

Gary gets home before me on Fridays and we have been leaving the dog inside this weeks since it has been so cold out.  I come around the side of the sofa and see a cord, half a cord and then I see just a plug.  Our dog, Trudy, had chewed a phone charger and the cord for the lamp.  Obviously I got flustered.  Irritated.  I just kept thinking "Seriously?!"  Aghhhh!  Why can't I have nice things??????   Gary looks up at me from the sofa and says whats the big deal, we will get a new cord.  FINE...but that really isn't the point is it.  The cord is not the issue.  It is a problem that our dog chews things.  And it is always "not a big deal" when it is my things.  First was my Birkenstocks, then several pairs of underwear, then another pair of shoes, then a wicker chair that I bought at Pier One and obviously paid too much for, then the edges of my coffee table, its from a garage sale, but still not the point.  And I am aggravated that my usually sweet, understanding boyfriend turned away from me, turned his back on me while I was having a mini-breakdown over a lamp cord. 

Boiling point was reached when he said, "I am going to take a nap, your are being pretty awful" 

Maybe I was, but I apologized, and I think I was justified in getting upset. 

So, Gary is in bed napping....I am putting on my gym clothes and getting out of here.  Had to sit down and calm down because really all I wanted to do was go directly to the store and grab some smokes. 

I think I just need to walk it out.  Sorry for the rant, and bringing my personal life into the blogs...just really needed to vent and calm down before I did something stupid and ruined a 7day quit. 


The dog obviously needs some exercise because it is chewing everything in sight.  Pick up a leash instead of a smoke, problem solved.  Don't get rid of the dog could be the best thing for you!


I'm sorry dear, I understand what your feeling, but part of it is withdrawals. The other part is plan frustration that your getting blamed for being upset about your things. My husband is kinda like that. To be honest similar situations in my past with my husband is how/why I would start smoking again after I quit. But really just an excuse I kept using.. So what if he doesn't understand, so what if the dog ate/chewed everything. You can replace them all, you can not replace you...DON'T SMOKE. Sorry if I am too harsh or not good with words, Hope you understand What I'm trying to say. You can do this and even if you get frustrated over everything at first it will pass. Good luck and I hope you have a good weekend. ❤️  bj


Don't worry abiout your rant. That is part of the reason for this blog. I totally understand what you are going through. Is your dog young? When my dog was young she chewed the fabric off the sofa cushions, ate the weatherstrip off the front door and gnawed on the wooden legs of a chair. But she is always the first one to greet me when I get home. Taking your dog with you when you go for a walk could help on two levels. Stay strong. You have done great going a whole week without smoking!!!!


Agree with Toby, the dog will ALWAYS be happy to see you and not worry about if you smoked or not.  By walking the dog you are breaking two habits at once!  Things will get better, I promise, just don't take that puff!


Sheesh - don't apologize for your rant. That is one of the reasons for these blogs - I wish everyone would come here first as you have done - beofre they lose their quits. Good for you for protecting yours. You done good!  NOPE. Relax and have a good night.l  ((Hugs))


 I say


no I can't say it


ok, so if your going to have a dog, if it is young it is going to chew on things.  Either you are willing to sacrifice your things, or you want to spend the money to get it obedience training.  Case closed.  This is not a good reason to smoke.  It may be a good reason to rant, but not to smoke.


Jamie - This place is meant for rants, raves, and venting!! So - do it whenever you need to - instead of smoking! Congrats on keeping your 7 day quit!


LOL.  Please forgive me for laughing, but your story reminds me of my monster puppy now one-year-old.  My husband went off and purchased her, a brand new puppy back in January, 2010, against my advise and better judgement.  She is a true monster, a Great Pyrenees, and to this day, she is beyond needing puppy training.  This monster, named Abby, is in bad need of "scared straight puppy boot camp".  The second week she was living with us, she chewed up my eye glasses to the tune of $250.00.  It just gets worse from there as this year has passed.  Her unconditional love is undescribable, but the dog drives me absolutely mad every single day of the week.  Take care, hang in there and rejoice with your quit of 8 DAYS now!!!  Congratulations  : )    : )     : ) 

Protect your quit.  It is so well worth the journey! 


Thanks everyone!  I didn't smoke.  I love my dog...she melts my heart and is the sweetest baby but she pushes me to the limit sometimes!  😃  Funny, I know everyone mentioned taking her on a walk....I did, and the obedience school....she has been signed up for a month and today is her first day of class.  Looking forwand to it.  And yes, she is a little less than a year old and I know I have probably another year of her crazy puppy antics.  She is a sweetheart, but she needs to learn some more manners. 😃