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Share your quitting journey

Breaking the chain

6 12 187

I’ve been a smoker for about 30 years. Back in the day a pack of cigarettes was like .80 cents. Nowadays they’re more than 5$ a pack. I always said once a pack reaches 5$ I’m going to quit. That never happened. I’ve paid upwards of 8$ a pack. No matter what I was gonna have my cigarettes. I liked to smoke. Enjoyed it even. And I smoked a lot. At certain family functions I was the only smoker but by golly I was going outside alone to get that cigarette. Going on trips we’d have to pull over so I could smoke. Cold outside, rain, snow? No problem just give me the cigs. Getting low on a pack of cigarettes? Utter panic. Better stop and get 2-3 packs maybe even a carton if they were cheap enough. I had to have them they ruled my every move. 5 days ago I was pretty sick but still smoking. Went to doc and had pneumonia but man I was still gonna smoke. And I did for 2 more days and then realized the utter lunacy and grip that the cigarettes and nicotine had on me. Just quit on March 1st and it’s been a real struggle. I’ve searched every crack and crevice for a butt or a cigarette. I’ve left all money and credit cards at home in fear of buying a pack. I’ve read about the immediate positive effects quitting will have but yet I struggle. I know the cigarettes are terrible for my health. I’m just taking it one second at a time. Right now I’ve not smoked for 5 days but it was a battle each day. I’m just hoping I can get to a point where I’m not all consumed about having getting or smoking a cigarette. Each day you fight the battle is a day closer to freedom from the cigarettes and nicotine. Good luck to everyone who is on this journey to have a healthier lifestyle.