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Big Smile on Day Seven

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Finally slept like a baby last night, ya'll. Man, I thought it might never happen again. I cannot believe I've gotten here: seven days. Seven days that have brought increased clarity and self-honesty and relief in knowing how profoundly I want this. Playtime is over. Kinda sorta has been wiped from the slate. Maybe no longer exists. Stay out of my face, self-doubt! 

And I am doing it! I am aware that in order to keep my quit I will have to do the work that lies ahead of me. And there is a lot of it. But today I'm just gonna smile, smile, and smile some more.  Even if I am alone; even if when I finally go to the grocery store no one can see my smile because of a mask. That does't matter. The smile comes from within. And today, it is for me and about me. Sharing it with ya'll, though. I love me today. And that counts for a whole, whole lot!  Smoke free! I quit! We all quit! Good for Us! 

Here is now and now is here. I do not smoke.

Happy. Smiling. Joyful. 

So much good stuff in my heart right now. I'm ready to conquer the rest of the day. Yippee! When I am my best self I am an early riser. And guess what? I was up, dressed, and out the door by a clean 8AM this morning. Best when I can get back to 5 or 6 AM rise, but still. Progress! Here I come, world. Here I come! I took my doggie, Happy, to our giant city "park", which is actually 4500 acres. She romped. I kinda romped. Walked/hiked a lot. We got cold, wet, and muddy. So much fun! 

Already feeling this is a super day. Full heart. Spirit brimming with the light of thankfulness. 

You all inspire me. I can't thank you enough. 

Have a wonderful, smoke-free Monday, everyone. 

And Thank You For Not Smoking! 


P.S. After blogging yesterday I was able to work. Whoops, der' it is! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thankful for this place, Ex. Thank you Mayo Clinic for giving us this gift. Note to self: donation to Ex so this never ends and stays funded. Do some research...

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About the Author
World traveler. Originally a true Southerner. Have lived overseas and lottsa places in US. I'm blessed. Cigs, though, are trying to kill me.