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Share your quitting journey

Beware the Rant that Ensues...

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I have to reset my quit date. Again. I hope this community is accepting. I have no excuses. However, I think I will document my transgression here to help me face what is going on. In retrospect, I should have come here two hours ago, and said all this without smoking. I feel stupid now. I know I can get through these thoughts without my negative crutch. I am learning to unlearn this reaction slowly it seems. 

So there it is. I broke down. Right now, I sit here and type in tears. I epitomize an emotional wreck. (I'm not looking for sympathy or to play the victim--I'm writing this so I can read it later and remember how ths made me feel). I'm not feeling this way only because I smoked and have been unsuccessful in my quit. Hormones have some word in the matter.  What really made me upset and lead me down the dark road, is that my marriage is falling apart before my eyes. It felt right to hurt myself by smoking, it is what I reach for when I feel alone and hurt. Silly, right? I am acting out I realize somewhere, I want to be self-destructive like the tornado my life is spinning in, somehow it makes me feel better to know I am killing myself slowly. How fucked up is that?  Someone needs to invent a business where you can order a person to cuddle or hug you instead. It would be really good to have that in times like these. Then again, I might just get depressed about the fact that I have to pay to be cared for. 

My biggest smoking trigger is always surrounding the troublesome emotions of my marriage when things go awry. Which is sadly almost weekly. It suffices to say that my relationship has just come to a crossroad and I do not know if it will recover this time. This could be a good thing for my quitting. My husband got a DUI last night after I aksed him to leave the house because of an argument we had. Did I mention I am active duty? He is active duty too; however, it seems he is getting kicked out for the mistake he made last night. He's also in the barracks for now and I am alone with the girls. I think the distance will help. Maybe I can just focus on my girls and let this mess fade in the background? 

Where does this put me with quitting? What does this mean for me? I am here. Do I belong? I am hanging on by a thread to this community afraid I am going to be rejected and shunned for sucking at his business. It is a dream for me to quit for good. N.O.P.E. (Not One Puff Ever). I like that thought. Just getting there on my crazy tidalwave ride of this whatever this is to make it happen...

For the record. I just need to be accountable. I need to be open and real with what happens to continue to move forward.  For now, I have to remember how much progress I've made and stay positive. I still have more work to do and each day I don't smoke is a better day for me and the baby in my womb. Even better still are the weeks I don't smoke. I know this--I've been there.I haven't quit yet I have to admit. Tomorrow is a new day, I don't think I will smoke tomorrow. It is very likely I won't. I can focus on that for now. It will make me feel better to get another day smokefree under my belt.


We will never, ever shun you!  We might, eventually, show some tough love, but you will always be welcome in our family.  Vent here anytime.  I am glad you chonicled how lousy you feel for smoking.  Keep this blog handy to reread when you are having a tough moment!

Sounds like you are having a rough go of it right now.  Life, though, is always going to happen and smoking will never make any of it go away, or better!

If you KNOW your biggest trigger, figure out something NOW to do instead of smoke in that event  Maybe you can take slow, deep breaths?  Or go pound on a pillow - or scream into it?  Or go for a walk?  Or get your kids and make a marching band with pots and pans and spoons and march up and down the sidewalk?  Or put some music on and sing aloud or dance to it?  Or count the red/blue/white things in the room until you calm down.

A big part of this journey is understanding that you DESERVE to be healthy; you deserve to be free.  Whatever else is going on in your life, this quit smoking thing is one thing you can absolutely control.

Tomorrow is another good day to quit smoking.  Be sure to throw out any that are left at that point!

Hang in there!  We are here for you!



Very few of us got this right the first time.  Keep trying - and you are correct - you should have come here and asked for help before you smoked - next time you are tempted to smoke - make a promise to yourself that you will do that.  Quitting smoking is the best gift that you can give to your family!


Hello, Have you done the suggested reading? I read when I had craves sometimes, sometimes I EXercized, hula hoop, adult coloring books,dancing and singing, eating freezer pops! Domestic issues are no walk in the park, I know, try to have some things planned ahead of time to do when times get all bad. You also mentioned that you should have come here first! YES! and use the word HELP as your blog title. You will be surprised at how many of us show up to talk you out of it! I know you don't want to smoke or you wouldn't keep coming back! I admire your honesty! I am sorry things are so rough for you, but crap is gonna happen weather we smoke or not! Hang in there and stay as close to this site as you can and blog anytime! If you just need to talk give me a shout!             Terrie             (((((((((((((hugz)))))))))))))

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


Please don't feel stupid or silly! Stop beating yourself up! You are here now! No smoking NO MATTER WHAT! NOT ONE PUFF EVER!


Please keep checking in here everyday.  I remember 1.5 year ago I came here and was able to stop for a couple weeks.  Then, I slipped and didn't come back until months later when I got a phone call from Ex for a survey.

You are not a smoker!  You are/or have been a person that smokes.

Learn from your slip and it won't be waste.

If my memory serves me right my last period of smoking started with a fight with my wife.  I don't know what the answer will be for you, however, I know that for me the excuse I gave myself to smoke was clear.  AS LONG as I placed responsibility on anyone else being responsible for my smoking I had an excuse to smoke.  I had to come to a place where the idea that I could smoke like a 'normal' person had to be SMASHED.  i had told myself that it would be okay to smoke if we had a fight or a family member died, etc. 

One day at a time!  I believe that you can do this.


We don't shun people at EX. We do encourage you to examine what made you smoke and plan what you might do if this comes up again. You have already identified one thing you should have done....come here and rant BEFORE you smoke. 

Certainly, you are going through some of life's tough moments...........we've all been through tough times.......we understand how temting it is to pick up a cigarette. But you can't----because you do not smoke. 

Jump right back in to your quit......and stay strong.

Just keep quitting...a moment at a time and those moments will just add up. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

As an ex Military wife, I can totally relate to you. As a mother of 5 children and two ex-military husbands , I am there with you again. Smoking is not going to help you or your children. They need you. As for you and your husband, I don;t know what the circumstances are there and we can talk off line, but  sounds to me like you need to distance yourself and your children from that because it is not healthy for you. him, or your children



You can do this. We are here, no matter how many times you fall. When you're having hard days, come read the blogs and write a post. Think of all the ways you are making your life better in spite of what's happening. You have the right to be happy and healthy. You'll have to work at it, but nobody gets it right the first time- some of us don't even get it right the fifth or sixth time. You just keep it up until you find out how to make it work for you. 


it sounds like you learned from the slip up and starting to realize your triggers.  Addiction sucks, but I have a feeling this go-around you got this............


The beauty of this community is that we are not "shunners."  We are supporters.  And there are people on this site who have had many starts and finally have their forever quit.  I joined EX in January of 2014 and my quit that time lasted about 2 hours.  But I came back a year later and now I've been quit for about a year and 4 months.  Not one puff ever.  And I am as happy as can be after smoking avidly for over 50 years!  You really can do it and you will find that this community will root for you in the good times, and sit with you in the bad. 


You are going to get a little hard truth from me.

"Smoking cigarettes is probably the No. 1 cause of adverse outcomes for babies," says Welch, who's the chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Providence Hospital in Southfield, Michigan. He's seen the complications far too many times: babies born prematurely, babies born too small, babies who die before they can be born at all. In his view, pregnancies would be safer and babies would be healthier if pregnant smokers could somehow swap their habit for a serious disease such as diabetes or high blood pressure.


Sorry for all that you are going through.  Unfortunately, smoking is not helping.  It is obvious that quitting is important to you and is a priority for a healthier life.   No, it is not easy but you can continue to slip or chose to make up in your mind that you are not going to smoke no matter what.  Saying it is easy but doing it takes work, fortitude, commitment, determination, honesty, forgiveness, yes I can do this, yes I will attitude.  Hopefully you are up for the challenge because your addiction does not want you to know that you do not have to smoke.   Start telling yourself just that.    Read the suggested materials, if you haven’t you are missing the links.  I am glad that you were courageous enough to admit that you had relapsed.   The same energy you put into smoking you can use to not smoke. We are here to support you.


Wow, you have a LOT on your plate right now, give yourself some love...not a cigarette, take care of your quit the same way as a IS a baby.  You can do this, many of us have failed and restarted.  No one here is going to "shun" you, we are going to do everything we possibly can to support you but we cannot quit FOR you, we can celebrate your days with you and we can help you to get through the rough times.  Keep doing the reading and don't give up on yourself or your quit.  Your kids need you YOU need you...thank you for your service to your country....we owe you big time!  Give yourself a hug from a little old lady in Virginia.  I just celebrated 800+ days after 47 years of smoking...except when I was pregnant and a couple of quits that lasted a while. Take care of yourself, know that you matter!


No judgement! It's hard! And sneaky. But you have to focus the positive side, you're feeling better and getting healthier!