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Being secure in our quits is our safety net, there's no worries about N.O.P.E because we know in our heart and soul that we'll never smoke again and it's a wonderful feeling.

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I saw the specialist this morning about the diverticulosis disease and having diverticulitis, he didn't seem too concerned and his blah attitude pisses me off. I''ve seen him a couple of times about other things and I don't care for his bedside manner. I told him the pain is there pretty much all of the time and it feels like something is moving around right under the left rib, I told him that I went to the ER on Friday and got a prescription until I saw him and I didn't find that it helped at all,I was just about crying and said I want to know what's causing the pain so something can be done about it. He gave me a prescription to try to stop the spasms with some of the side effects causing dizziness which is one of things I want answers too, I am so frustrated right now, I stopped in to visit my son and cried because I want to feel better and get outside and enjoy life but smoking isn't even a blimp on my radar because I don't smoke anymore and have no desire to ruin my perfectly beautiful forever quit . My quit is 100 % safe and secure because,smoking causes stress which right now I don't need the added stress of nicotine causing more health issues. I really needed to vent because I am disgusted with my family doctor, he did nothing when I saw him last Tuesday but at least this specialist is setting up a colonoscopy which hopefully will find the problem and fix it and he wants me to take these pills he prescribed 3 times a day and then see him in 2 wks to see if they settle the spasms. Thank you my friends and fellow Exers for letting me vent, I just want to feel energetic and happy again,life is way too short to feel miserable all the time but at least I can say with a huge smile that I quit smoking and on July 14th I will be enjoying my 2 yr milestone, thanks for letting me vent..........


Vent away cyber buddy!!!  Sending healing thots.  Reach out into the Universe.  It will heal you.



Sorry he wasn't more enthused. Go with that specialist!


Vent away Marilyn..Hope you feel better. 


You do SO much to help others here ----- you are definitely entitled to a LARGE number of vents!  Do so anytime you need!

Hope you feel better. 



Hi Marilyn. So sorry you are not feeling well.  I have been to more G I specialists than the man in the moon.  Fiber is the treatment of choice for diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome.  Metamucil or any of the ones from the drugstore.  Feel better my friend. 


So sorry you are going through this, Marilyn, I really hope they can give you some answers and some effective treatment.  You are more than welcome to vent here ANY TIME, you are such a source of love and support for all of us.  I wish I could offer you some more help...I take a fiber treatment, like Barbara, I use Citrucel powder but I use it particularly when I am having problems with, dare I say it...diarrhea.  It seems to help but otherwise, I try to watch what I eat, I limit dairy, I also have to limit fat because I have gall bladder issues.  

Hopefully, the colonscopy will tell them something and you can get some relief.  There are a LOT of docs out there with limited you.


Oh Marilyn I'm so sorry you have to go though this. Your such an encouraging person I hope you find relief soon!


Sorry you are not feeling well.  You are allowed to vent.  I hope things come out okay.  Have a wonderful weekend. 


Marilyn, I hope you feel better soon. I would really consider seeing the specialist about that, I have it and all sorts of other gut and bowel problems and I see a specialist for it. My family Doctor will not treat me for any of that! I'm still not always so sure they know what they are doing, but I am very critical of the Drs. because the pain is so terrible sometimes! Vent anytime! Take Care of yourself, Marilyn!


I Won't Quit on my Quit!


....osis or itis neither are fun.  I hope they've given you the list of things TO eat (fiber, more fluids) exercise and things NOT to eat.  We can help ourselves a LOT if we don't exacerbate what ails us by what we eat.  I'm about to try a 21 day anti-inflammatory eating regimen (as soon as I can work my mind up to it.).  Ugh.  Then slowly introduce certain food groups back every 72 hours.  See what's doing what.  Will take some self discipline.  But  - hey, I've stopped smoking.  I can do ANYTHING!  You can too!  You're right, being secure in our quits becomes our safety net through life.

Have you tried any major dietary changes to solve this problem on your own?


Vent away my friend.....I have similiar feelings about some Doctors......Is changing Docs an option?

We are always here for you....just like with quitting are not alone



you vent away... what are friends for 😉

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....