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Share your quitting journey

Being an X Smoker

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Hi my name is Jeannie and I stopped smoking September 12th 2010. I am 43 years old and had no business smoking, I did it because I was bored and everyone around me did it. After a while I couldn't stand the smell of smoke and just hearing again and again how bad it is for you, I knew it was time to quit. It  was hard because my husband was a very heavy smoker and my mom that lives with us also smoked, so I had a big challenge in front of me. I tried for many years to quit and could not because I didn't have a good support group, but one day I went to the doctors and got on the chantex and told everyone that I was trying to quit for good. I knew the side affects but I was willing to save my life more, so I took it for 3 weeks instead of 12 and I kept a bottle of water  in my hands at all times. I started doing yoga and exercises at a gym and started cooking heathy, so once they saw that I was really doing it for real I was able to tell them "please no smoking in the house" then I used guilt as a weapon. I said anything and kept away from smoker's cause some of them don't care. Today everyone in my house is smoke free and it is great, we have control over our lives and want to live a very long and heathy lives, because if we don't take care of our self, who is going to be there for us in the future, especially with heath insurance at a rise, so take care of your self, because you love your self alot, your feel great trust me.