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Been gone for a while-Back to day 1

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Today is day 1 for me. I know I have been trying to stay quit for about a year and for some reason I keep going back. I have made a decison, that I need to stop for good. I need to give myself a chance. I give up way to easily. This is the hardest thing to give up and I am not sure why, because I truly dislike smoking. I need to stay quit this time. Enough is enough!!! Stategies and suggestions are more than welcome.


Hi jenn welcome back! Please for your own sake, retrain yourself by realizing you are not giving anything up. You are gaining so very much by quitting. Freedom from the addiction of nicotine is like none other I've ever felt in this world. It will take some work but it is doable. 

Thank you for the kind words. I know I need to do this for more than one reason. I just get so mad at myself when I slip. I feel like I disappoint not only myself, but my husband and others around me. I feel like a failure sometimes.

perhaps if you read my page it will give you some answers


Your page is amazing. I am sure I will be looking at it often. I found a lot of what you said true and I am going to do it this time. No looking back!


We get into trouble when we focus on "trying".  It will help you tremendously if you can change your mindset into a commitment to quit.  "Doing it" not trying, is what made the difference for me.  

You have read Dale's page which is chock-full of wisdom gained through experience

I personally got a lot of good information from Allen Carr's book, too.


Welcome back!

Here is a link to a free PDF link to Allen Carr's book:

You might want to do the tracking and separation exercises outlined on this site.

The idea is to change things up to reduce the smoking associations  Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand, in a different room.  Or, get right out of bed and into the shower, or get right up, put on your tennies and start your day with a quick walk, then a shower, THEN your coffee.  Get up right after meals and get busy doing the dishes, or straightening up.  Here is a iist of distraction ideas:

You should keep a list  of your reasons to quit and the list of distractions with you at all times to refer to when things are tough.

It's really simple:  you make the DECISION that you will not smoke again NO MATTER WHAT and then you honor it each and every day!

We are glad you are here!



Welcome back.  I was a serial quitter too in my past but I finally got dedicated to this quit.  I hope you are too.  It makes a world of difference.


Thank you to all for the support. I am going to make sure that I stay positive and make daily visits to the site. I really need to stop the :serial quitting" as Deena puts it so well. I read the Allen Carr book a WHILE ago and I can take a lot from that. I may just re read it. Maybe that will help.


Welcome back - this site has been my lifesavor!  You can do this!

Thank you! I am reading the newest addition of Allan Carr's book and all I can say is wow!!! I am already on chapter 9 and thinking to myself why did I do this to myself for so long??!!

POSITIVE thinking!!!!!! I WILL STOP Smoking.



Yes, I will stop smoking! I know I can do this. Thinking happy thoughts today!