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Share your quitting journey

BecomeAnEx Web Site

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I'm curious what other might think of this web site. There were a lot of things I didn't know, some I heard before. I was especially interested in the descriptions of the different medications available, gave me a lot of ammo for when I sit down with my doctor.

One thing I didn't really agree with though, was the idea of telling your friends that you are trying to quit. While I understand that a good friend will support you through this, the problem I've had with that is the constant questions like "So how's it going with the whole quitting smoking thing?". Usually this comes at that precious point of time when you've actually managed to get the thought out of your head for a few seconds, and it only serves to remind you that you really really want a smoke.

30 years of smoking, and I've tried so many times to quit. I'm trying to avoid all the previous mistakes this time, and it's awesome that there are so many resources available now, like this site. Best of luck to all, and wish me luck.


I smoked for 31 years.Day one of quitting, I told everyone I saw. Didn't matter if I knew them or not. I totally put my credibility on the line. My name is Sara and I have quit smoking. Feel free to scourn me if you see me with a cig. Smoker's need to put themselves on the LINE to quit. If no one is watching what they are doing then they'll slip. But I had everyone watching me. I'm 73 days nic free and I feel proud.
I have to agree with Sara. You may have read my posts already, but you used to have a little reminder to smoke every time you had one. If you smoked a pack a day, then you had 20 little urges and reminders every day. Those aren't going away all of a sudden. You have to accept that.
On the other hand, everyone knows that smoking is bad for you and everyone would rather see you not smoke. If the answer to the question about the "whole smoking thing" is "I'm doing great! I have been smoke free for the whole day today" then you can feel proud and enjoy the inevitable congratulations. But if you are slipping and feeling like you are going to smoke. You are either going to have to own up to those who ask... Or lie to them. I find that to be a motivator.
I smoked 2 1/2 packs a day, for about 30 years, then I checked into the Mayo, having travelled from London, England. I told no one except family, when I came home I was not smoking, after a couple of weeks people started to enquire had I stopped smoking, when I just said yes because I was not and I felt strong enough then to say that I was not. They all thought it was a miracle, it was.

Do it for you, you don't have to wear a badge or put a banner up.


less bronco than I was LOL
Well, I guess it's just more of a personal thing for me. Obviously, my "smoke buddies" at work are going to know, and I know there will be as much support there as there would be if it was one of them trying to quit. In addition, anyone that has never been hooked on these nasty bastards, is never going to have true picture of how bad this really is, so I don't really care about their input, positive or not. As far as putting myself on the "line", if I cared that much about what people thought about me, that in itself would have been enough to send me cold turkey.

But hey, we all know there is no "magic bullet" for this. I don't think that many 20 or 30 year smokers haven't made several attempts at quitting, and I guess you learn a little more about yourself each time. I'm feeling like I'm in the best frame of mind for this ever, and I'm going to kick it!

You can do it.
Hey, what works for one person may not be even close to what will work for someone else. It was just how I did it. After 3 days the physical threat is gone from your system. All nicotine has left your system except for the trace amount in the top layer of your skin and your hair folicles. That is gone in another week. So you're looking at 10-14 days for 100% of the nicotine being out of your system. The rest of the game is physiological. All this is important to know so you have the frame of mind that you need going into this. So, only you will know what will work for you. And you can do it Steve. You're going to find out just how strong you are and it's amazing.
And Steve...don't watch any thing on the History Channel about Stalin, Hitler or Churchill...

God, those people smoked and smoked...and the documentary film makers use tobacco every chance they get to fill in the blanks.

Off to get another glass of ice water, cause that's what's working for me.

Good Luck Steve.

Melzee that's awesome! Keep up the good work! One day at a time. Watch out for those smoking dreams. A couple of times I had dreamt that I had smoked the night before and I woke up thinking "Crap! All this hard work down the drain because I smoked last night." Then I would realize when I didn't even have any cigs on the premises and I was soooo happy!!

Today is my day 125. A couple of weeks ago I was in public in line and there was someone a ways away from me who had lit up and it smelled really offensive to me.

You're doing great Melzee!!

Cutting down isn't the way to quit smoke, I think at frist time to take electronic cigarettes is better option to stop gradually the habit of smoking.