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Share your quitting journey

BecomeAnEx Web Site

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I'm curious what other might think of this web site. There were a lot of things I didn't know, some I heard before. I was especially interested in the descriptions of the different medications available, gave me a lot of ammo for when I sit down with my doctor.

One thing I didn't really agree with though, was the idea of telling your friends that you are trying to quit. While I understand that a good friend will support you through this, the problem I've had with that is the constant questions like "So how's it going with the whole quitting smoking thing?". Usually this comes at that precious point of time when you've actually managed to get the thought out of your head for a few seconds, and it only serves to remind you that you really really want a smoke.

30 years of smoking, and I've tried so many times to quit. I'm trying to avoid all the previous mistakes this time, and it's awesome that there are so many resources available now, like this site. Best of luck to all, and wish me luck.
