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Share your quitting journey

Back from doctor and your feedback

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I finally had my physical today to see where I'm at since I quit.  EKG and vitals were good.  I did a breathing test in the doctors office using some type of handheld small device.  I tried 3 times and was unable to blow a continuous breath for 6 seconds.  The hole they asked you to breath into is not small.  What the hell!  So I was discouraged.  The med assistant gave me an enhaler (first time in my life for this) to use and I went down for my chest x-ray.  X-ray  fine.  Then back to the room for another breathing test.  I still couldn't blow hard continously for 6 seconds.  When my doctor came into to go over the results I told her since I quit smoking my biggest concerns are COPD and Emphysema and I want everything addressed now.  I want to know how this gets diagnosed so I know where I stand and how hard I can push myself with excercise.  Since I didn't do well on the breathing test, she is ordering a more detailed test for me that I will take in six weeks, the spirometry test.  In the meantime, I'm taking Advair and can increase my exercise to 30 minutes a day.  If I an handle it I can do it.  I don't get short of breath when excersing, I actually feel better.  But I can't take the humidity.  She suggests I move the exercise indoors and see how I feel.  I'm concerned but I think I'm handeling it pretty well.  I don't think I would be if I did not do all the reading here since I quit.  Your stories helped motivate me, help me stay quit and help educate me.  She said we couldn't rule out Asthma, sinuses, or simply the fact that I've only been smoke free for 50+ days.  I'm asking for anyone's feedback.  On your experience with the breathing test, emphysema at any stage and how you are doing.  Is there anyone out there who experienced shortness of breath after quitting smoking and that cleared months later?  I read about the stop smoking timelines, some symptoms such as short of breath and chest tightness can take up to a year to clear up for some people .  But my doctor did not mention these things to me.  I should have taken a list of questions.  I've seen other exer's on the site who smoke twice as much and twice as long as me, but I don't hear stories of emphysema or COPD.  So I don't necessarily know if this disease depends on the length or quantity smoked.  I'm trying to do all the research I can now.  I did read on webmd that someone with healthy lungs should be able to quickly blow all the air out of there lungs in 1 second.  A diseased lung typically takes longer.  So I scratch my head and wonder why I had to continue to blow for six seconds?  Too much info.   I'm preparing myself mentally for whatever I have to deal with.  Gees what a lesson to learn.  I still get angry I did this smoking thing, for no frickin reason!  It got me nowhere!  For me, the worst part was calling my mother to tell her.  She was quite positive as I knew she would be for me.  But I never wanted her to deal with seeing me battle any type of smoking relatied illness.  I never wanted to tell her I might have Emphysema, but I did.  My brother is a diabetic and that has been hard enough for her.   I look forward to any information, education and your personal stories.