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Back at it Again

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I slipped on my 3rd day of my last quit. I was not prepared for how hard it would be with my husband continuing to smoke. Albeit, he always smoked outside and even went so far as to go for a walk rather than sit right outside on our patio where I could still smell the smoke seeping in through the sliding glass door.

Now-- we are both smoke-free for the last 3 days. The first 3 days were the hardest. I am using nicotine patches and try to keep myself busy for distraction. The hardest times of day for me are when I wake up-- I almost feel a sense of doom as I know I am not going to smoke after getting out of bed as was usual routine for the last 28 years. Now-- I just lie in bed for 10 minutes to calm myself and center myself-- and I drink my coffee in a different spot than I used to. The other difficult time of day is after eating-- I noticed I have actually eaten less because I am anxious I will have another nicotine craving. So-- maybe I will lose a little weight-- that would be a nice bonus! Definitely keeping myself busy, and taking deep breaths along with lots of bottled water has helped me during times of cravings. I do find it is getting a little easier as the cravings are gradually becoming less intense. My new quit date was January 31st.