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Share your quitting journey


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Well I guess I start over 2day I went out on Sat. was watching my irish play and well u know. I feel so stupid last week was so hard and than I give it up over a social event ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. So here we go again
11 Comentarios
Hey Jason. Don't be so hard on yourself. We've all had relapses. Some more than others! But the most important thing is to not give up completely. Acknowledge that you made a mistake start over and try to not make the mistake again. It's kind of hard for a little while to go out and hang out with other people who smoke when you're still in the early days of quitting. I had to kind of separate myself from that situation or ask those who I'm hanging out with not to smoke or allow me to smoke. Just also too, remember to educate yourself on what happens to your lungs and your body when you do smoke. That'll be a refresher. You're alright. I know you'll make it to a full quit! Just stay positive. Take care! 🙂
You can do it, just don't give up! Think of your dad!! Drink juice the first 3 days to help speed it out of your system. Deep breathing, lots of water... We are here for you.
I'm with you Jason. It's tough. I'm going through the same thing right now. So today is OUR day and we can do it. It helps knowing we aren't alone in it. Let me know how you're doing? Be strong! Stay strong!
Just quit. It is easy. Believe it and you will.
Jason, im in the same boat as you. was on my fifth day of not smoking and i caved lastnight. feeling grrrr about it too because of how hard those 5days were! we will get there. back to not smoking!! kinda. i had two this morning and am feeling really guilty. 😞
Jason.. I'm so sorry to hear about this! Well, you get right back on that wagon! You can do it! Go over to this webpage and read the whole thing. Maybe it will inspire you to keep on with your quit. Just don't give up!
One thing I've learned going through this process is that it takes PRACTICE to Quit. I've never met anyone who quit on the very first try. Just keep trying. YOU CAN DO IT!
Don't beat yourself up about it. Consider this a learning experience. Now you know next time you come to that trigger to stop and really think that this trigger is not worth all the hard work you have done. Quiting is one of the hardest things to overcome. Take it one day at a time!
Don't focus on the relapse. Focus on the now and what you're doing to benefit your quit now. You can do this.
Dude I haven't taken the quittin leap, and I smoked so much I still feel disgusting. That was the last straw. Notre dame games is a trigger for me, so I guess if I'm going to accomplish quitting smoking I gotta know my trigger
Going drinking with a crowd of smokers the first weekend of your quit is pretty much just throwing in the towel. It's OK if you like having to quit over and over and over, but it's almost impossible to quit without taking it really seriously the first couple of weeiks. At some point, people have to decide if it is worth it to give up a weekend of partying (or at least to party with non-smokers) in order to stop living the life of a drug addict.