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At Last!!

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Today was Doctor day, occupational therapy day and wound care so was a busy long day.  The Doctor says everything is improving. The hand is healing nicely and I am getting movement with my fingers more and more everyday so therapist is happy.  The Doctor and wound nurse both are happy with the way my wound is healing.  They both say the tissue is looking good and looking healthier and no infection to be seen. Yay!   But not healed enough to get rid of the wound vac yet (BOO!) Oh well I guess in time. I have been so restricted with the activity that I could do since the accident including no driving which made me crazy as I have never been patient having to wait on people to get ready to take me places. At last, today I got my independence back and I am aloud to drive again WHOOPIE YAY AND HURRAY!!  I also can start light exercising and back to my walking routine so that made me happy too. Woohoo finally a bit of normalcy back in my life again.  Of course the other exciting news is that he cleared to me go to Virginia.  Did suggest I didn't drive the long distance myself, which I already figured that, So the happy dance was on with that news.  Now my life will be even better when he gives me the clearance to soak in a hot tub as I got used to and dependant on in my early quit to help me relax.  May be awhile as I have to wait on the wound to completely close. That's all right slowly but surely getting better.and gaining my independence back and my life back. Whew will say I have learned a lot during this, one which I had to accept the accident for what it is and do what was necessary to regain my heath. Similar to quitting we have to accept the craves and triggers for what they are and learn what we have to do in order to gain control of our life to gain freedom. I can vever say enough how much I am thankful to all of you for the support and love you have shown me which has been the main thing to get me through this challenging year. Hugs and love to all!

About the Author
Hi! My name is Sharon and I am married, a mom to 5 kids and also have 2 fur babies that are both shelties and considered my kids. I have smoked for about 30 years. I came here to learn how to quit and stay quit. I need to quit to impove my health and was tired of nicotine controlling me and Doctors and family nagging me. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Now that I have joined in the EX family I now have been free of nicotine since May 13th 2016.