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Share your quitting journey

Asking advice from Elders

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This is for our elders: did you guys go through a lot of health challenges after your quit?

I do remember Nancy telling me it took you 1 year to get off the HBP medication.

Things are happening to me health wise, almost like I lost my body balance, and everything is going in all different directions.

The heart rate started going down about 4-5 months ago; when I was put on Cymbalta, the rest heart rate when below 40, so gradually I eliminated one of my drugs Metoprolol (under my PCP approval), eventually I had a rebound of the BP, the PCP increased dosage on one of my medicines, and that made me retain lots of water in all my joints.  She added more of the water pill.  Eventually the BP wen down again, I removed the additional HBP medicine, but the symptoms kept growing stronger: water retention, muscles rigidity, and many others, amongst which, heart rate continuing to go down.

Obviously with the heart not beating often enough, I don’t have energy, sometimes at all, and just have to lay down. I gained weight, can no longer walk, can barely drive.

Wondering if any of you went through any similar experiences, and if you did how long did it take to come back to normal???

If feels as the God of smoking has a direct line to all the Health Gods and made them all take the tool on my health; I saved a little over $2,000 from no longer smoking, and already spent way more on health bills, only in the last 2-3 months…

Thanks much for weighing in your opinions, and if you are telling me I need to address them with the Dr,  it's done, having a brain MRI on Friday and another appointment with the PCP next Monday to go over the latest lab tests, I had last Thursday.