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Share your quitting journey


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My Quit date is one week from today. Sitting here, in the middle of writing, I can feel a twinge of excitement and happiness that I am quitting. But mostly I am NOT looking forward to it. I am scared, apprehensive, nervous, anxious, REALLY stressed out and just downright angry. I really want to quit, but really don;t want to quit. I'm not sure if I feel all those things because  I'm quitting and still not 100% sure what to think or expect, or that I'm quitting something I've been doing for so long and I'm gonna miss it or that I'm not quite sure I wanna quit. 

I feel like now that my quit is almost a week away, that all I think about is smoking and all I want to do is smoke. I think I am smoking more...

Is it normal to feel so strongly about quitting??




This is an awesome read, and really helped me.

A bit repetitive at times, but the message is sooooo clear!  There were some interesting points in this reading that I had not considered previously when I thought I knew everything about quitting. 

Setting a quit date is the first step.  It will happen if you allow for it to happen.  When it does, from then out out, it's a decision, just like smoking was, and the decision you will make will add up and you will be happier *just a guess* for it!!!

Normal? Yes! Lots of emotions involved, in my experience with quitting.


Yes, apprehension before quitting is absolutely normal! Read quitsmokingonline, The Easy Way and here to keep that positive mind frame going! Your Addictive Mind is scared that you will take away your Nicotine! Of course, it's screaming! BUT your Freedom Mind knows that it's time to quit now! Feed that Freedom Voice and ignore - don't fight with - that Addictive Voice! And no matter how you feel about it, keep your Quit Date! The Voice that's screaming at you will soon quiet down - Promise!


Maureen - Welcome to the site and congrats on deciding to quit! Be sure to do some reading to prepare - the free course mentioned above - and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -

You are in the right place - the support here is great! Stick around!