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Anybody else sleepy

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Is anybody else sleepy and tired alot.  I have been in such a funk the last couple of days.  All I want to do is sleep and I can't.... working on going on week 4.  Birthday next turning 49 feeling old and frumpy.  Pity party for sure


Very common in the beginnings. Your body is all out of whack and trying to find its normal again. I think its also tired from getting rid of the toxins and trying to repair its self. Your a lovely lady(pic), and heck, at 49, your just getting going! Time to enjoy the new you! Your doing great! Congrats on almost a month!


Don't worry - it is very natural to the process of quitting smoking, and it, too, shall pass.  I had zero energy for awhile, and just really didn't much care about things that I usually did care about - like cleaning the house, getting organized for a trip, etc.  It was kinda scary 'cause I thought I was always going to feel like that.....but I didn't and don't.  It's just another mile on the quit smoking journey.


kind of disappointed I was hoping for a big surge of energy instead I feel like I have flomped face down on the couch with zip


Congrats on 4 weeks,.  Just think you will be smoke free for your Birthday, what a great gift to give yourself (breath/life).  You energy will return, drink lots of fluids to flush the toxins from your body, and do some other things you enjoy.   The moods and tiredness will go away.  Hang in there.


for the first few weeks, I was in a funk, a bit depressed, and just couldn't seem to get enough food or sleep. I could have slept 12 hours a day! I had to keep drinking coffee all day at work just to stay awake. I personalyl think it had something to do with my blood pressure. When I smoked it was much higher and I guess I adapted to that. Once I quit and my blood pressure normalized, it just felt too low to me and I was lethargic. But that feeling passed. I started going to the gym and eating healthy foods to try and get  my body and metabolism back in synch. I too am 49 years old and I promised myself I would not be going into my 50's as a smoker and I have succeeded. I'll be 50 in a few months 🙂 Looking forward to it!


My gf tells me that - my body has taken years of abuse and it will take time so be patient - well being patient has never been my strong point... I need to get on my treadmill as Zumba is not enough - my body is alreay used to that - I need something more to break out of this funk...  congrats on your 50th birthday coming up.  not sure how I will be spending mine - under the covers crying or sliding in sideways


Somewhere in week 4, you will start to feel's something about DAY 30 that we all seem to have trouble you said, change up your excercise routines and REWARD yourself!!! Have you bought new shoes yet for Fall? A new handbag? I hear Macy's calling your name Heather!  You'll be fine...,give it some TIME......Protect That beautiful Quit!!! ♥     img alt="" src="" />    


Your gf is right also    *shoes* Heather.....*shoes*......:P    img alt="" src="" />   


thats the hard part Nancy - I bought a new skirt - silly me should have tried it on but I just picked up my "size"  well its not my "size anymore - adding insult to injury....