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Share your quitting journey

Anxiety, not withdrawl...Fight the real problem!

8 17 426

In my very first, desperate post I described symptoms which no one else seemed to be able to relate to completely.  My doctor told me these were extreme, physical, nicotine withdrawal symptoms:  My entire body feeling numb, my skin feeling like I was dipped into novocaine and after 2 1/2 months without nicotine, I was still extremely irritable, depressed and super tired all the time while I wanted to jump out of my skin.  
I could not explain why I felt so horrible after such a long time without nicotine and finally broke down and failed my quit, spinning me into an even deeper depression, because I failed. 

So this morning, for the obvious and sad reason, I did not miss nicotine, but I had all these very powerful feelings again! I had major anxiety, bringing me to my knees with tears in my eyes - defeated and seemingly helpless at the moment. 
I so wished I would have been able to identify this for what it was, before relapsing, so I could have treated it with prayer and all the wonderful, natural supplements my wife has been using to combat anxiety for years now! 

I am writing this in the hope to reach someone who feels like I did, that the withdrawals are lasting too long and are too strong to deal with, while the problem is something different altogether and before it is too late! Adding nicotine will bring you right back to square one and the relief is only temporary.  Fight the real cause with meditation, prayer, herbal supplements or go to your health care provider and get a prescription, but don't light up!

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Acerca del autor
I started smoking with 14, that’s 36 years, with a few breaks when I attempted to quit.