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Another smoke free Friday for us Exers ☆

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Wow tomorrow is the last day of April, another month bites the dust!!!! - I really hope the month of May slows down a little and Mother Nature will allow Spring to arrive before Summer comes, it seems winter drags on but the other seasons speed right on by us but that's just the way it is so let's enjoy each and every day no matter the weather or anything else that's happening in our lives as Ex smokers because our health, family and even our wallets will thank us for taking back our lives from the dreaded nicotine poison. There's definitely life after cigarettes and it's super fantastic but if you don't want to believe me, stick with your quit and you can prove it for yourself but you must be fair and give it at least 3 months, 4 would be perfect to prove how much better life is without the crutch of cigarettes. Most of us smoked for decades so it only stands to reason that it's going to take some time to relearn different ways of handling situations without smoking, as long as you are willing, determined and totally committed to succeed then you can and will be successful in your precious quit. I am so thankful that after 40 yrs of being a slave to cigarettes that I found out that I have copd because that scared me into realizing that I wasn't invincible that if I didn't brighten up I was probably going to end up on oxygen 7 / 24 or even worse, die a horrible death that's most likely smoking related. I never thought I could quit but here I am 655 days of freedom and counting, hang on tight to your quit - N.O.P.E - NOT One Puff Ever will give you a beautiful smoke free life because - S.I.N.A.O - Smoking Is Not An Option - N.E.F - Never Ever Forget your day one because every day we get through without a cigarette is another day WON and life is Grand without a cigarette in hand.  


About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....