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And here comes that feeling.

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Counter to my last blog about feeling good and going strong, that rush of sadness has again set in. These are the hardest cravings for me because cigarettes were really the only way I knew how to deal with being sad. So automatically my brain connects being sad with having a smoke. There's not too much else I can do at the moment either to improve my mood. My mind keeps saying "Just go have one. It's only one. You wont be hooked after one." I dont know...this part sucks. Always does.


yep. they were a real mind numbing treat we used to hide away.

you will learn how to replace the sadness after after a while


Just hang in there Lee and be strong, I have been there so many times in the 45 yrs I smoked.  You can do this.  As long as we are all supporting each other we can make it and I know you will.


You don't have a friend in a smoke.  Think about what it does to you.  It makes you ill and addicted.  Smoking will not help with your sadness.  Accept that you're sad right now and work through it with out smoking and then go to bed for pete's sake.

I was feeling sad and sorry two weeks ago and i didn't give a damn and bought a pack and smoked two puffs and it made me soooo sick.  I was wise enough to toss everything but I was rattled.  This was 2+ months into a quit.  sadness, no matter to what degree is never a reason, never. 

I look at this way.  I've quit a lot.  Each time I fail it takes me two years to get up the courage and strength to do it again seriously.  I'm 43 years old.  That's a lot of time smoking and good grief, who knows the damage done.  I think about a slip and i figure a full cig will  cost me $7000 since that's what I will spend smoking for the next 2 years.  It's not the $ or else I would have done this years ago, but it's the blatant stupidity. dont' fall into the trap.

You're young.  You're thinking the right thoughts and doing the right actions.  Hug yourself and move on.  I'm proud of you. Way to go! 


The longer you are quit, the stronger you will get. Pretty soon no matter what the addict voice has to say, it's words don't carry the same weight or strength, as the quit you have built.

Keep with it. You are correct, changing your mood is a good idea. Try humor. Go to youtube and type in just about anything and you will find some very funny stuff.

Someone else suggested to just go to bed. That also works. A good nights sleep and tomorrow you will wake up happy that you didn't give up your quit.

I know it's tough right now, but it does get much better. Just gotta stay with it.


Don't be sad Lee, just get mad, I"m kidding, but don't be sad. 

Maybe you should check in with a doctor, I went and saw a councelor the first week and I am on Wellbutrin so perhaps that is why  I am not sad...I prolly should go see one again soon. 

Maybe take vitamins. Or just say, well I"m sad...what am I sad about write it down. Then maybe crinkle the paper up and throw it away, I do that sometimes too. Either way we are here for ya. 


Hey, Hang in there. Maybe it would help to talk about your sadness and what it is. Maybe you will learn about why you feel sad. Once you learn why then maybe you can fix it and you won't need the cigarettes to help you not feel sad. For me talking about all the feeling i have about quitting and what is happening to me helps alot and this is the perfect place to do it. 😎


I was sad when I smoked and when I didn't.  Cigarettes never cured my sadness.  Cigarettes don't wrap their arms around you and tell you they love you and that everything is gonna be ok.  Go get a stuffed animal and cling to that and tell it your woes.  It won't destroy your health like a cigarette will.  You gotta find something else to hang onto when you're sad.  "This part sucks... always does."  How many times have you been here in the quitting process?  You sound like you've had many of these experiences How are you gonna make this time different?  You MUST make it different.  Else you'll be forever on the same quitting treadmill.  No?  Don't just continue to be a victim of your sadness - DO something to change it or pacify it.  Other than smoke.  Think about it. Work on it.  Delve.  Learn.  Change.  You're coming up on two weeks.  What's your goal?  Set one if you don't have one.  And I don't mean just "I'm gonna quit smoking."  Keep it active.  Set a goal for a month.  When you've accomplished that, set another goal for yourself. 

You're succeeding at this.  Be happy.  Many can't even get a day smoke free under their belts. 

   God loves me enough to let me go through all the lessons I came here to learn, even the ones that hurt the most. His presence doesn't deny me. It's always there to help me see and understand what I came to this planet to learn.
   Melody Beattie, "Finding Your Way Home"
   Your body is free but your heart is in prison. To release your heart, you simply reverse the process which locked it up. First you begin to listen for messages from your heart—messages you may have been ignoring since childhood. Next you must take the daring, risky step of expressing your heart in the outside world. . . . As you learn to live by heart, every choice you make will become another way of telling your story. . . . It is the way you were meant to exist. If you stop to listen, you’ll realize that your heart has been telling you so all along.
   Martha Beck in "Finding Your Own North Star"
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
   Albert Einstein
   If you're going thru hell, keep going.
   Rob Estes
   When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
   Helen Keller
   Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
   Helen Keller Each day, silently affirm that you are the type of person with whom you would want to spend the rest of your life.
   Bob Moawad
   Don’t get hung up on a snag in the stream, my dear. Snags alone are not so dangerous—it’s the debris that clings to them that makes the trouble. Pull yourself loose and go on.
   Anne Shannon Monroe
    Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
    Marilyn vos Savant
   The highlight on that last one is mine!We have a sayimg here, Lee Take what you want and leave the rest - to be helping is my only aim! Hopefully there's something here that will help you! My best advice is don't give up - don't give in! These feelings will find their place in your New Normal and you will have them less often and less intensely! Sending you my Best Wishes for PEACE!! 

Hi Lee, Don't be sad. Better days are ahead! Each day is a huge accomplishment and every evening when you lay your head to rest you can thank yourself for doing this!


 Hang in there,don't give in to it.I know it's not easy.Remember smoking a sickerette won't cure the sadness.Remember Protect Your Quit By Any Means Necessary!!!


Have you read through the course at please check it out. It really helped me understand and get over - this addiction! Take a look! Congrats on day 13 of your beautiful quit! Protect it at all costs!


Thank you all for the support!