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An Emotional Flight...

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Today I had a woman on one of my flights who seemed tired and unfriendly.  Not snarly-type unfriendly, just sort of non-responsive when the other flight attendants and I spoke to her during the flight. 

When one of the other flight attendants asked her if she would like something to drink, she just shook her head and turned away without a word..  The younger flight attendants were in the back galley, complaining about how rude she was.  I can't fault them for that because, as in ALL customer service jobs, customers who don't acknowledge that we are real human beings are sometimes hard to take, especially when we are really trying to make their experience with us be a good one.

But, for me, one of the most wonderful things about growing older is the realization that things are not always what they seem to be, that rushing into judgement about someone can be unkind, unfair and unwarranted, and that a little patience and tolerance goes a long way sometimes. 

I was still in the back galley, talking to the two younger flight attendants about not taking it personally, when the woman walked into the galley.  She stood for a moment, saying nothing, not going into the lav, not asking us for a drink or doing any of the usual things passengers do when they come to the galley. 

She seemed unsteady all of a sudden.  I asked her if she felt ill.  She began sobbing silently.  And I don't mean fragile, feminine sniffling.  Her shoulders were heaving, she wasn't making a sound, and she was obviously in complete emotional hell.  She leaned against the galley counter and stretched her hand out to me  (I was the only one left in the galley; the two younger girls had fled in the face of such raw emotion).  I took her hand and said, "What is wrong and what can I do?"

And the woman sobbed, "My daughter is dead.  She was killed on a ski slope in Jackson Hole yesterday.  I don't think I can live through this".   There was no way I could alleviate her agony, and giving her kleenex and a cup of water was so pitifully inadequate.  I put my arms around her as she cried like a baby.  She told me that her daughter was 28, studying to be a physician's assistant, was beautiful and vibrant and full of life.  She told me that she was on her way to Jackson Hole (our flight was from Orlando to Denver) and that she didn't think she was strong enough to help her two other children, who were there on the ski slope with their sister when they saw her hit a tree during a snow slide. 

My God.  What do you say to someone in that kind of pain?  I have five beautiful children of my own, aged 26 through 35.  I can't even process the kind of pain that the death of one of my children would cause in me.

Why am I telling this story?  Because when there are beautiful, healthy young people with bright futures that die under sudden tragic circumstances  HOW IN THE HELL can any of us continue to CHOOSE to die, slowly, bit by bit, by putting poisons into our own bodies????

My heart was breaking, and there was nothing I could do to ease her pain.  How could ANY of us ever have thought that it was okay to smoke poisonous cancer sticks and MAKE ourselves die?


You make me proud to call you a friend. What a sad event and you handled everything like the pro you are. I pray for you and for the lady and her family in their grief. Hugs.



I don't know this women but my prayers and positive enery will be delivered through my higher power to her.  Thank goodness she had someone with the maturity and heart to give her a helping hand at such a devastating time.  I think you were put in her path to help her get to the next leg of the trip.  Hopefully someone else did the same when she got off the flight.

Bless you.


hopefully your kindness has changed the other flight attendents lives and view of what compassion is and should be.


You are so right Sky, there is nothing to say. You were not afraid of another person's sorrow and you made yourself available to listen, that was the most important thing you could have done. You are an empathic and wonderful person. Your airline is lucky to have you!


Hi Sky,

Such an emotional event. Heartbreaking. You're right, too many things happen out of our control. I think the same thing about how and why did we continuously sucked poison in our bodies instead of taking care of ourselves. Hind sight is more than 20/20, for sure.

And Sky, you really are a beautiful woman. Our world is better because you are in it.


Nancy, you did exactly what any decent human being would do. You listened and gave her a shoulder to lean on. There just are no words to say to ease that hurt. My heart and thoughts are with you and the very sad woman from your flight.


Thank You for being you! 


Bless you for being there for her Sky.

M n @


That is so sad. I am glad you were there for her!! You are right. How could we poison these wonderful bodies that god gave us!!!


Bless you Sky!





It was no accident t this broken woman was on your flight! The Lord puts us where we need to be and she needed your ability to put arrogance aside and love her through this horrific time. I can't imagine the pain she must be enduring. I can't imagine feeling helpless in helping my other children who are suffering also.   You are an amazing woman, full of grace. I am so pleased that I have you to call friend! 

God bless this family and the hard times they are faced with and God bless you!! ♥



You are a wonderful and compassionate person. I am sure as painful as it was for her to endure and for you to console her has set a great example for the younger attendants. You should feel proud, and I am happy to be your friend!! Hugs, Louise 🙂


Thank you for the compliments.  Please understand that I didn't tell this story to get compliments.

I told you all about this to point out the stark contrast between a young girl who life was stolen from her, leaving her family devastated VS. those of us idiots people who sat around progressively killing ourselves on purpose.

To those of you still smoking who think it just  "to hard" to quit:

Stop and think a LOT harder about what you are doing to yourself.  Also, about what you are doing to your loved ones who will be left with the grief, the anger AND your medical/burial costs after you are done killing yourself.

You can only quit for yourself.  But that doesn't mean you can't add the motivation of thinking about the aftereffects it will have on the people who love you after you are finishing killing yourself.


P.S.  And you had the power to NOT do that to them...but you chose to do it anyway.


Loud and clear is your message.  But we can still hold you high in our hearts for the service you did. 


You are a BEAUTIFUL human being Nancy, GOD chose you to be her "Earth Angel".♥


Sky....   I am admitting my faults of being a total hypocrit right now.  I have been a smoker for 20 years.  In the last few years my father was diagnosed with Emphysema.  I have been hounding, nagging, and begging him to quit smoking.   And for some reason, your story just made me realize that ALL while fighting for my Dad's life, I never faught for my own.  Smoking is selfish, stupid, and noone is excluded to the effects it has on one's health.  All while begging my Dad to stop....  I was lighting up.  What kind of sense is that??   I don't know why my light bulb never flickered until now.... but I will make sure my daughter is not in my position with her parent.  WHAT on earth have I been thinking????  Talk about head in the sand...... 


Sky, what an absolute beautiful and meaningful message. So glad I know you.


Wow Sky - that is a touching story.  Thank you so much for sharing that here with us all.  Life always seems to be put in persepctive when things like this occur.  This is why we each must live our lives to their fullest potential each and every day, becasue we never really know when it will be our last.  And so true about not smoking too - we deserve to live and be happy, why poison ourselves to death with something designed exclusively to kill us.  I hope that you were able to emotionally cope with this situation yourself, and I hope that everyone here is able to learn the valuable leson of living each day as it truly is a gift. 


It is such a beautiful thing... to me... to see someone NOT run away when such high emotions are being expressed.  Some people think... "I don't know what to say" ......

but if only.... we just realized... all someone might  need is a hug.... and another person there to share their pain with.

Life is so full of tragety..... without the kind souls (Nancy) who hold out their hand in this time of need...... it would be a sad life.

Nice Story, Nancy.   There IS HOPE for our world...still.  ♥

About the Author
I'm a 64 year-old flight attendant for a major US airline. Prior to that, I owned an ice cream store and six hot dog carts and put my five kids thru college on hot dog earnings! Prior to THAT, I was Director of International Administration for Domino's Pizza, Inc. I was married to my H.S. sweetheart (dad of my 5 kids) for 17 years. I've been with Jeff for 23 years, but we just finally got married in 2016! Jeff & I live in Cape Meares, OR right on the beach. I'm from Ann Arbor, MI, where many of my kids/relatives still live. My flying base is Washington, DC, where I have a condo that I stay in when I'm between flying trips. My dream is to retire and stay home with Jeff and my two cats, Kenneth & Barbara...not happening soon, though. So I go home whenever I can get a week or more off. I LOVE to meet up with other EXers in the cities where I lay over. I usually blog about what cities I'm laying over in, so let me know if I'm staying near you! I'll buy dinner!! Xxxooo, Sky