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All over the place

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Finishing up day six and feel like I have changed, man I am so damn negative these days! I used to take a negetive thought or feeling and turn it into a positive one readily....hmmm I wonder if that's when I went for a cigarette....

Anyway I guess I just need to wade through the sludge of feeling overwhelmed, depressed, fatigued, worried, stressed, frustrated, emotional and so damn negative! It's not like my problems got worse since I stopped smoking but it sure seems like it! Where was I anyway? Sitting in a cloud of smoke? Numbed to what's going on around me? Urrgghh now I'm angry too!

I'm so pissed off at those f.ckn little killers, I want revenge so there is no way I will touch them for as long as I live and help others abandon them too, that is the MOST IMPORTANT thing I can do and the rest will have to work itself out eventually!

Felt good to write it all down.

Just remembered something I always say but forgot since I quit:

"I truly believe that problems are opportunities because the outcome is always in my favor!"

Ok, just have to get through this problem to see what's waiting on the other side.