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Share your quitting journey

Addictive blogs

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I have to do some work, this website is way too addictive. 

Happy smoke free lungs and beautiful white teeth everybody.

I'm having a great day today, feeling alive and delighted to be able to look at my kids and know I will alive and well to see them have their own.


PS I am loosing weight as well cause I cut out fatty food, what a bonus.  Check out this yummy mummy 🙂

3 Comentarios


I know right? I 've up all night on this website reading and posting messages. WTG and good for you on being healthy. If you have tips, share them with us!




Hey Jiva,

I have failed in my attepmpts to quit so many times I cannot count so my tip is to keep on trying.  I have finally got to a place in my head where I am sick to death of the cigarettes and can honestly say I wll never puff again.  I think failing so many times has taught me that all I am doing is putting myself through the process of having to start all over again.  I was always a smoker that did not like smoking and hated the smell I was always very aware that I was stinking of fags. 

The main thing for me?  It's all about your state of mind, find your reasons for quitting, know your tirggers and most importantly just take one day at a time.  Don't think ahead to events of occasions that are months away looking for reasons not to stay strong.  That little voice in your head will eventually fade away.


Stay strong Jiva, one day at a time.  Oh and I have found the NIcorette gum a real help.

Have a good one.


I agree!

(PS - Jiva may or may not see your message. If you click her name or pic - you can go to her page and write a message on her board. Someitmes folks don't come back after they make a comment on a blog.)

Take care and congrats on the quit and the weight loss!