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Addiction’s Dance of Self Destruction

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Nicotine like all Addictions plays a deadly dance of Self destruction. You have an inner voice often referred to as the Nico-Demon or as I call it, your Addictive Voice. But what is it really?

Nico-Demon is simply a destructive thought process that both seduces you into smoking just one more Sickerette and then after indulging, this deceptively soothing inner voice transforms into a cruel enemy, tearing you apart! Because this demon is you, it knows exactly what to say!

 Smoking represents a direct assault against your physical health and emotional well-being, and it limits your ability to pursue meaningful personal goals in your Life. 

Awaiting those who recover is a very different dance  - the Dance with Life itself that offers all of the joys and sorrows of authentic Life full of Growth and Self Awareness!

But how can we get from one to the other? How do we become an EX?

First we have to find a way to let go of the seduction. Second, we have to learn to quiet the critical punishing voice that literally tears us apart.

Identify - It is vital to identify the thoughts that get you into trouble and lure you into destructive behavior. Even though these thoughts may seem friendly or calming, they should be recognized as an enemy.

By identifying the internal and external triggers, people can become more conscious and self-aware. They can pause to reflect and resist acting on thoughts that go against their own self-interest

Reflect – Once you know what the thoughts are and when they come up, you can start asking why.  Where do the “voices” come from? Do they sound familiar? Do they remind you of someone or something from your past? Did anyone from your past influence you by engaging in similar behavior?  Did your parents or other influential figures use any destructive means to deal with their feelings or to soothe themselves?

Plan – Knowing what triggers you orients you toward action. You can then define a plan of what to do in moments when you feel compelled to smoke. You can visualize yourself saying no. You can think of actions you can take that have worked in the past to distract or help you. You can seek out a certain person to talk to, a certain friend to hang out with, or a certain activity to engage in during moments of temptantion

Have compassion – We all face struggles and make mistakes. To deal with Nicotine Addiction is a sign of strength, not weakness, and you must not allow your critical inner voice to beat you up for any mistakes. Remember that the urge to self-punish is a strong part of what draws a person to smoke. Listening to that inner voice will only work against you, even when you experience a setback – especially when you experience a setback!

Feel – Addiction numbs a person from joy as well as pain. Its purpose is to bury emotions that you are resistant to feeling or don’t believe you can tolerate. Naturally, when you break an addiction, emotions will arise that the addiction was helping you to avoid. Feeling these emotions and getting through them will make you stronger. It will also reduce your perceived “need” for a Sickerette that was driving your addiction.

 Initially, the critical inner voices will get louder, as you stop listening to their instructions. However, when you persevere in your actions, they lessen and eventually fade. Throughout this process, you must be resilient, open, and compassionate.

When you combat an addiction by challenging your destructive inner voices, you strengthen your true self. You achieve a better balance that leaves you stronger in the face of destructive temptations and hurtful behaviors. Most importantly, you break free from any internal chains that hold you back from experiencing who you are at your fullest potential and actively pursuing what you aim to accomplish in your life.

By pursuing genuine wants, desires, and goals, you strengthen your real self, a process that enables you to achieve freedom from addictive, self-destructive behaviors.

 You have begun the healthy natural Dance with Life!


About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1