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Share your quitting journey

Adam14 Archived Profile

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I'm a 26 year old smoker. I've been smoking for 7 years and am starting to notice some of the ill side effects of smoking. My state is starting to increase the price of smokes and limit the places people can smoke in public. I'm getting tired of worrying about my health and whether or not I am offending non-smokers when I go out. My biggest struggle with smoking is that I enjoy the physical act of lighting up and smoking a cigarette. So my addiction is both chemical and physical. I believe this is why my attempts to quit in the past have failed...miserably. I am hoping this program, with support from the website and my family and friends, will help me kick the habbit/addiction.

My NicDemon

I've referred to smoking as the 600lb gorilla on my back...I decided I needed a visual reminder of this so after a few minutes of cutting and pasting, here he is:

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Sioux Falls, SD


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