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Acquiring Quititude

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We have discussed the two parts of quitting: Physical withdrawal and psychological withdrawal. Both are important to understand and address especially in those first Days and Weeks. I want to dsicuss the psychological part and the solution.

Psychological withdrawal is more than breaking a bad habit althoug it is every bit of that! You have to literally retrain your Brain. Now, there is a physical aspect of this as you reclaim the neurons in your nervous system but there's also a need for willingness to learn about yourself and to become positive about your quit and yourself!

We refer to this Positive Attitude as Quititude!

Quititude won't just come to you naturally! You have to seek it! And the reason that we seek it is that iit makes our chances of joining the 6% who succeed for a whole Year and 98% after 2 Years that much better! It's the glue that holds those Smoke FREE Days together!

Quititude comes from looking upon all of the Great Qualities of your Quit while challenging the thoughts of Sickerettes that you do have. You can decide to seek it in every Smoke FREE Day while you keep them away from your face! 

Quititude is about reclaiming your Smoke FREE personality which most of us gave up in our adolescence even before it was fully developed! So we don't even know our authentic Selves without it!

Quititude brings about abundant Addiction FREE Living and brings us back to who we really are!

It's the ultimate gift of Recovery! It's the other bigger part of Smoking Cessation! Don't miss it by grumping your way through a miserable Quit!

It's waiting for you to Claim as your God given Right! But you have to say Yes and you have to reach for it!

And it's totally worth it!

Choose to claim your Quititude Today!


About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1