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             Yesterday, I went to a Christmas recital with my son's girlfriend. It was at her five year old's school. He was just diagnosed as being autistic. He was so proud of himself as he stood on the stage and sang Christmas carols with his classmates. An austic boy sat next to me, kicking my feet, bumping into me as he was in constant motion. He put his arm around me and spoke the word HUG, he then kissed my cheek and said kiss. I patted his knee and he rested on my shoulder, sleeping 'til the end of the recital. GOD knew that he needed to be with someone who was accepting and not judgemental. My unexpected gift will remain as one that I treasure. It is at this time of year, when we need to stop and take stock of our blessings, being smoke free is surely one of them. I am wishing each and everyone of you a Blessed Christmas Season. My love to all♥