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A very good morning to everyone ☆

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To anyone in the shadows reading this plus if you are struggling with withdrawals and rough days believe me when I say there's life after cigarettes and you can get through these roller coaster ups and downs to get to a much better place in your quit. I never thought in a million years that I could quit smoking and figured I'd never get any health issues even though my husband quit 2 and a half months earlier because of a health scare with mild emphysema but I thought I was fine until a specialist didn't like the sound of my lungs and set up a spirometry test which showed copd, yikes that scared me into realizing that I wasn't invincible so here I am celebrating 600 wonderful smoke free days and counting, I remember only too well the first few weeks of my quit and it was definitely the most difficult time, one minute I might be crying for no reason what so ever and the next minute someone might look at me the wrong way and I would want to literally reach out and rip their face off and another thing, my grown children and anyone else that knew I was quitting smoking stayed away from me. The only people that I didn't mind being around was the grandchildren but I am so thankful that I finally wised up and took my life back and sticking close to everyone on this precious site kept me grounded and focused on protecting my quit and living a life of freedom because we all know smoking kills and quitting can save us from dying a slow painful death that's most likely smoking . After 40 yrs of smoking I am celebrating another wonderful milestone and I thank everyone here in this community for being here for me. 

Marilyn 600 DOF and counting ☺

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....