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A Strange Thing Happened on My Way....

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Almost back up to day 5, and this time, I am NOT going to slip/relapse. I am feeling much stronger indeed. I do still have cravings, but they are much weaker and they are fewer as well (a few a day). Body is still healing, but at least for the last day or so, it hasn't been a huge deal. Hopefully, that will continue.

The Chantix has been a huge help, especially the first few days of my quit. I think it also helped me get right back on the wagon when I slipped. I didn't finish the cig, cause it tasted horrible and didn't give me the "ahhhhhhh!" I was expecting, either. Two puffs, put it out. But you know what? The urges ramped right back up for the next couple days! If I had any doubts about being an addict, that pretty much clinches it, doesn't it? So...NTAP for me has to be the way to go, unless I want those 3600 more every year.

Interesting thing happened though on Friday morning. I did my morning routine getting ready for work, got the breakfast down, got more juice opened the Chantix, and realized I totally forgot BOTH of Thursday's doses. I had been more restless on Thursday, and thought "Gee that's weird", but that was about it. Craving levels/frequency were about the same. So today, I had the first nausea reaction to chantix after almost 3 weeks! I have decided to wean myself off of it so I don't have any huge changes in mood etc. I guess the Thursday misses were just to let me know ahead of time that I'd be OK if I did this. It prepared me to wean off with confidence instead of stress and worry.