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A Smoking Robot?

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What does smoking do to the cells of your airways? It baffles even the EXperts in COPD Research. Now Scientists from Harvard University have created a smoking robot made up of an Airway on a Chip! 


I have long said that Science will sooner or later catch up to this disease - as complex as it is!

Our job is to take the very Best Care of ourselves while these technologies become practice and that may take a good long while! 

COPD is at this time an incurable, progressive smoking-related illness that can be managed! It takes work - a lot of work! We will have to change just about everything in our environments based on our illness including lifestyle, smoke exposure of all kinds including Sickerette Smoke, cleanliness, reduced exposure to chemicals and processed everything, avoidance of pullution in all forms, regular use of medicine and developing a Health Management Team and a Plan that we faithfully adhere to.

Of all of these changes nothing is more important than Smoking Cessation!

It's a tall order but what is possible is not only Quantity of Life but a Quality that you will benefit from immediately! The more you seek these solutions the better the Life you can live while buying time for R & D to find and intitiate a cure!

Yes, I believe that in my lifetime there will be a cure! And I expect to be at the front of the line to use it!

You have the same decision to make! It's your LIFE!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1