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A BAD day; fell off the wagon again. :(

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Day number three of training @ a new job; left in plenty of time to get there early; truck battery died and I was an hour late. My buddy came to help but was mad as a hornet! Made it to work finally, first all-nighter on third shift and made it through, although a bit delirious after a LONG night and morning.

Result: truck sat, dead, at nearby gas station. Buddy picked me up from job where I'm TRYING to make a good impression as a good, prompt employee. Took me to breakfast, pulled rusty old battery from even older pickup truck, took it to auto store, where he had to buy me a new one. Result: truck started.

Made it home safely, went to bed and crashed hard, after many frustrated tears!! My economic situation is bad, and I'm trying my hardest to get out of a bad rut and make it a good, positive new year.

Result: bought a pack of smokes out of pure frustration. I blew it today. 😞


I'm trying to keep my sense of humor and continue to remind myself that someday I'll look back on all of this crap and realize what a strong woman all of this adversity has created. Till then, I'm BEAT.