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Share your quitting journey

90 days in 2hours

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Sweetness! I am still obsessed (to a degree) to know how many days I am at. I cannot figure out for the life of me how to put up a clock on this site. I did the cut and paste, and it literally pasted the letters and stuff. So instead of seeing my clock, the "code" appeared. Hmmmm? Does anyone have any advice?  But, I hate cigarettes and 90 days is just the beginning of my life without them. Yippee!!


Paste the "code" under Intrests or some other heading on yoour page, that should work....good luck and great job on 90 days


wooooooo hoooooo on 90 days, Kristi!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kristi, My girl you are kicking some serious ass. It seems like we were just new here stuggleing to get through those first few weeks. It sure feels good to be solid in a quit and know there is no going back. Hope life is bringing you lots of happiness and peace of mind. Keep fighting the good fight. I was just thinking if I ever was in the fight on my life I sure would want you on my side girl.Sometimes you remind me of myself when I was a younger self so be happy girl and dont ever compromise  what you need from this world to be truly happy and know a good solid peace of mind. All the best from me to you  Go get em girl!!!!!


FANTASTIC JOB. WAY TO GO ON 90 Days im so proud of you keep goin