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87 Happy Nicotine/Smoke Free Days

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Good day to all you wonderful fellow EX er's Hope all is happy in Exland today or at least heading in the happy direction!

Thanks to all of you who sent out messages and coments on understanding my blog/post, it meant a lot, you all have been gret from the start and will be to the end it's very evident.

My thought today is on what one of our members wrote about, I like to read for insight to my own feelings and it really has worked for thease 87 days. They said that they realize that on occasion they "longed" for a cigarette but did'nt crave a cigarette. And If i had to say Itoyed with the thought of smoking at all, that that feeling just about sums it up, I don't sit around and crave or dwell on them anymore but when I think of an old good time, summer, good food, good friends,and good drinks I sortave "LONG" for one. I quickly dismiss it and say "well you'll learn how to do all those social thingd without a cigarette." After all we wer'nt born with a cigarette in our mouth or in our hand.

Thanks again to all you faithful friends and I'm looking foward to new friends and old ones who have stumbled and are coming back, we don't judge we all have the potential to light up again so come on home folk we'll leave the light on for you.

Thanks for all theinsightful blogs
